
  1. 8 Best HP PC Monitors for Everyday Use

    best pc monitors
    Your monitor is your window to the world, the hub of your entertainment system, a tool for work, and a way to visualize your projects. The right display is paramount to the full enjoyment of your PC. But if you’re in the market for a new monitor, you might not be certain what features to focus on.

    Frames per second, resolution, controls - there’s a lot to consider when you’re trying to find the best PC monitor. With that in mind, let’s dive into the most important aspects of a monitor and which HP displays best fit your home office requirements.

    The best PC monitor features

    Before you purchase a new monitor, take some time to learn about the features that can enhance your workflow or make your streaming session more enjoyable. The best computer monitor for home users depends on your particular needs. Listed below are some of the top specs you can expect to see listed in a display
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  2. The 7 Best PC Gaming Monitors from HP

    The 7 Best PC Gaming Monitors from HP

    Whether you’re a PC or console gamer, gaming monitors can dramatically enhance your gaming experience. With richer colours, higher refresh rates, and generally more sophisticated image detail and fidelity, the right gaming monitor can make or break your gaming sessions. We’ve narrowed down the options to the best PC gaming monitors that you can get from HP.

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  3. A Complete Guide to HP Monitor Color Calibration

    A Complete Guide to HP Monitor Color Calibration
    Today’s monitors have made dramatic improvements in color accuracy. Displays that only a decade ago would not only cost thousands of dollars but also take up your entire desktop space can now be found for just a couple hundred dollars and can easily fit into your workspace.
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  4. Dual Monitor Buying Guide: How to Choose the Best Monitors

    Dual Monitor Buying Guide: How to Choose the Best Monitors

    Setting up an extra display or replacing an older monitor with a new multiscreen configuration is an excellent way to improve your overall computing experience. A second monitor adds substantial screen real estate; a serious perk for both work and play.

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  5. 10 Best HP Monitors for Home Office

    10 Best HP Monitors for Home Office
    Whether you’re shifting to remote work permanently or just setting up a temporary home office, it’s crucial that you create a sustainable setup that mirrors or exceeds traditional office workspaces. One of the best, and easiest, ways to do this is by investing in a new monitor.
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  6. What is an AMOLED Display?

    Laptop Amoled Display

    Smartphones, computers, and television are as popular as ever, so it’s no wonder why there have been so many amazing developments in display technology over the last decade. AMOLED is one of the newest breakthroughs.

    What exactly is an AMOLED display, and why should you get one? Let’s answer your questions. An AMOLED display is a modified version of an OLED display, which begs the question: what is an OLED display?

    What’s an OLED display?

    OLED stands for “organic light-emitting diode.” Here’s how an OLED display works. Each pixel is composed of three things: a tiny light, a liquid crystal, and a color filter.

    A liquid crystal is a chemical substance that contains properties of both a liquid

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  7. What is Screen Mirroring?

    Screen Mirroring

    Have you heard of the term “screen mirroring?” While it may sound complicated, it’s relatively simple to do and opens up opportunities for device owners to share gaming experiences, presentations, and even movies on other screens. It’s changing the way we view media and makes it more accessible for those with small or outdated devices. Here’s everything you need to know about how to screen mirror your Windows device.

    Screen mirroring explained

    Mirroring is showing the exact same thing that’s on one screen on a second screen. It allows you to play the game or movie on your mobile phone, for example, and show it on your big-screen TV as well. Why would you want to mirror? It’s an easy way to share your device with others, it can make viewing small text easier, and it gives you the benefit

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  8. How to Set Up Dual Monitors on Windows 10

    how to setup dual monitors on windows 10

    If you’re unfamiliar with the term, a dual-monitor setup includes two computer monitors. One functions as either an expansion or duplication of the other monitor. We’ll get to the specifics of setting up your dual monitors in a second.

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  9. What Monitor Ports Types Do I Need?


    Today’s computer monitor comes with a variety of port options, all of which have different functions and use cases. And when it comes to buying a new monitor, you’ll want to know exactly which ports are included in your latest device.

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  10. Explained: What Is Refresh Rate?

    Explained: What Is Refresh Rate?
    A monitor with a high refresh rate can enhance your gaming experience, potentially transforming stuttered images into seamless, fast-flowing motion. But even for a non-gamer, refresh rate can have an important impact on the computing experience.  
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