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You need to print an important document and a notification pops up that your HP printer is offline. Has this ever happened to you? What does this term mean? And, more importantly, how do you fix this problem?
This surprisingly common issue happens with many connected printers and can be resolved easily with a few steps. Learn how to get your printer working again quickly with these simple instructions.
If you’ve received this error message, it can be frustrating. It doesn’t mean that your printer is broken, however. An offline printer is one that cannot communicate with the device sending the print job.
Unfortunately, a printer that is offline cannot receive new print jobs and process them, so it’s wise to pause all print jobs until you resolve the issue. Do not send any more print requests to your offline printer until you’ve gone through our troubleshooting guide. If you have print jobs in the printer queue, you may need to cancel them until you get back online. Just remember to save your work so that you can print your projects later.
Some of the reasons might be:
Each of these reasons has a different resolution process. Let’s take a look at what the problem is and how to get back online and printing again.
These instructions will address several issues. If your problem is resolved, don’t feel you have to continue through all the steps. It’s best to do them in this order, however, because the simplest fixes are listed first and require the least effort and tech knowledge.
Did these instructions help you? You’ll know it worked if your printer status changed from “offline” to “online.” If not, continue to the next section.
You may need to manually indicate your default printer preference. Follow these steps to resolve this issue for Windows 10. Before you begin, make sure that you have downloaded and installed all of the updates for the Windows 10 operating system.
For Windows 10 users
For Windows 8 users
Select your printer from the devices shown. If there is more than one version, choose the version that is not grayed out. Right-click and select “Set as default printer.”
Now try printing again. If your device still displays an offline status, move on to the next section.
The next step in resolving offline printer issues is to see if your printer uses a WSD port.
If it does, follow these steps (but skip this section if it doesn’t)
If it’s online, your issue is solved. If the printer is still offline, print a network configuration report. You can do this through the Settings or Wireless menu for your printer.
Is it online? You’re all set! If not, move on to the next section.
Depending on how your printer is connected to your device, you may have any number of reasons why the printer is still appearing to be offline. If you use a USB cord to connect, ensure that it is securely in place. If your issue persists, consider using a different USB cord.
If you use a wireless network to connect to your printer, follow these steps:
If issues persist, it may be a job for your router manufacturer or network administrator. Connection issues can be difficult to identify beyond these steps, so reach out to a tech pro if you still can’t get your printer online.
You may also want to try printing from a different device, such as a laptop or mobile phone. While you may assume that offline issues are due to printer errors, a flawed connection can be device-specific. Try connecting to another computer and see if your issues clear up. If it’s possible to print from another device, you know that the problem is most likely not the printer.
For anyone asking, “why is my HP printer offline?” know that you are not alone. Almost every printer owner will experience this issue at least once. It can be more common for those who have a wirelessly connected printer or an older printer, or those who haven’t updated their operating system or printer drivers in some time.
Each time you run into this issue, work through the steps mentioned above until you reach a resolution. You’ll hopefully get back to printing in no time without the headaches or costs of printer repairs.
Exc. pubic holidays
Exc. pubic holidays
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