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  1. 6 Best HP Refurbished Laptops from HP Australia

    6 Best HP Refurbished Laptops

    What is a refurbished laptop?

    A refurbished laptop - also known as a reconditioned or renewed laptop - is a used or open-box computer that has been cleaned, inspected, tested, and, if necessary, repaired by a technician. The technician will then reformat and restore the laptop to factory settings to provide a like-new product.

    The original manufacturer or a third-party wholesaler can refurbish a laptop. Although the latter may work out cheaper, the manufacturer refurb is the superior option because quality workmanship is guaranteed. Third parties may cut corners, sell faulty devices, or provide inferior warranties (or no warranty at all).

    The other common type is the used laptop, which is cheap but entails significant risk. A second-hand laptop hasn't been tested or repaired and may have various hidden hardware issues. Worst still, the consumer receives zero protection should a fault arise - it's
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  2. Wi-Fi Direct and its Benefits

    Wi-Fi Direct and its Benefits
    The digital era has helped us communicate in ways we'd not previously thought possible. For example, we can now speak with people on the other side of the world at affordable prices and share large files of photos, videos, and other data.
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  3. Best HP Desktop Computer for Coding and Programming

    Best HP Desktop Computer for Coding and Programming
    Whether you are an advanced programmer with years of experience or just beginning your career, you must have the proper tools for your job. And that starts with the right computer. To help you find the best PC for programming, we’ll explain the essential components you’ll want to include, and then provide a list of the top available options from HP. 
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  4. 10 Best HP Laptops for Minecraft

    Best HP Laptops for Minecraft
    Since its official release in 2011, Minecraft has taken the gaming world by storm. More than any game before it, the Mojang-developed title has inspired creativity among millions and millions of players.
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  5. The 5 Best Thin Laptops from HP

    The 5 Best Thin Laptops from HP

    While the high-end laptops of old were bulky, cumbersome machines, technological advances mean manufacturers can now cram top-end hardware into a tiny package. Razor-thin, ultra-lightweight laptops are faster and more functional than ever.

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  6. Tips and Tricks for Windows 11

    Tips and Tricks for Windows 11

    If you use a computer or laptop regularly, you’ll likely be aware of Windows 11. It’s the latest OS edition distributed by Windows and has received tons of praise for its user-friendly interface and array of useful features.

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  7. Best Windows 11 Gaming Laptops by HP

    Best Windows 11 Gaming Laptops by HP

    Gaming laptops offer you the ability to play games while also having the convenience of a portable computer. In addition, most gaming laptops by HP will also allow you to perform tasks like web browsing, using Microsoft Office, and other work-related tasks.

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  8. 10 Best HP Laptops for Data Science and Data Analysis

    10 Best HP Laptops for Data Science and Data Analysis
    Picking the best laptop for data science is a crucial choice for your future. This list of the 10 best HP laptops for data science and data analysis has the right picks for students, entry-level applicants, and seasoned data-busting pros.
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  9. 5 Best Thin and Light Laptops from HP

    5 Best Thin and Light Laptops from HP
    Beyond their improved power and speed, newer iterations of laptops also tend to be much smaller than their older counterparts. In many cases, you can even find models that are less than an inch thick.
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  10. 7 Best Laptops for Photoshop from HP

    7 Best HP Laptops for Photoshop
    Finding the best laptop for Photoshop is vital for photographers, graphic designers, and web developers because of their distinct computing needs. The wrong choice can cause a lot of teeth-grinding as your computer slogs through laggy latency issues.
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