Should I Transition to Windows 11? Pros & Cons
The release of Windows 11 is the latest significant milestone in Microsoft’s history. While at first glance it may resemble the familiar and well-loved Windows 10, there are a few key differences.
Windows 11 comes with promises of a more streamlined design and improved performance. Should you take the leap or remain with the trusted and already user-friendly Windows 10? That’s the big question.
Pros of transitioning to Windows 11
The allure of Windows 11 is certainly something we cannot ignore. What are the benefits that set it apart from the previous system?
Revamped user interface
Let’s start with the redesigned user interface, which includes a new Start menu, taskbar, live captions, and new app icons. The visually appealing rounded corners on the windows give the aesthetic an overall softened look. The core functions still very much resemble Windows 10, but Windows 11 has a more modernized design focus.
We can also see an array of new Fluent Emojis, including one that adds the famous Clippy (the much loved and missed paperclip digital assistant for Microsoft Office) as a replacement for the standard paperclip emoji among others.
Enhanced virtual desktops
We still see Virtual Desktops, but they are improved in the Windows 11 version, making multi-tasking and organization easier than ever. Users can choose to create different workspaces for various tasks from work projects to gaming, reducing clutter and improving productivity and workflow for any situation.
Integrated Microsoft Teams chat
A very notable change within Windows 11 is the integrated Microsoft Teams chat directly on the taskbar. The new feature is easy to find thanks to the dedicated Teams icon that allows users to access and manage work and personal conversations easily.
Gaming improvements
The Windows 11 operating system does not leave out gaming enthusiasts, with significant improvements to the performance and overall experience. The visual quality is vastly different due to Auto HDR, which automatically improves the game’s high dynamic range.
We also see the addition of DirectStorage, initially designed for the Xbox, which reduces the dreaded game loading times. Users can now enter their games in less than a second. While DirectStorage is compatible with later Windows 10 versions, Windows 11 is still positioned as the superior gaming platform with many performance improvements.
Widget integration
We wave goodbye to News and Interests as well as Live Tiles and embrace the arrival of Widgets. Widgets on your desktop can provide customizable at-a-glance updates on information of your choice including the weather, news, and sports.
Cons of transitioning to Windows 11
While Windows 11 does bring a ton of new and favourable features, there are some downsides that we must face.
System requirements and compatibility issues
One of the biggest questions is how to upgrade to Windows 11. There are some roadblocks in terms of Windows 11's requirements and compatibility for this upgrade. In order to run Windows 11, you would need at least an Intel 8th Generation or AMD Ryzen 2000 processor and above.
Your laptop would also need to support TMP 2.0, which is a restriction Windows 10 did not have. However, most modern laptops already support this hardware security chip.
Familiar features removal
One downside of upgrading from Windows 10 to 11 is the removal of some features we have come to love such as Live Tiles and Cortana. Other apps that seem to have been removed include Paint 3D, Skype, OneNote and 3D Viewer. If any of these are integral to your workflow, don’t worry because users can still find them within the app store.
Ideal use cases for upgrading
Instead of worrying about how to install Windows 11, think about if you should. Here are how different individuals could benefit from the upgrade and some suggested products that already come with it preinstalled.
If you’re a professional seeking a refined multitasking experience, then Windows 11 has what you’re looking for. Users can take full advantage of the Virtual Desktop for easy workspace management.
Handling tasks simultaneously becomes simpler and the redesigned user interface only increases organization and enhanced aesthetics. Professionals will love the HP Spectre x360 2-in-1 laptop that can meet strenuous demands.
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Gamers can also leverage DirectStorage and Auto HDR for an elevated gaming experience that previous operating systems couldn’t provide. Game loading times are reduced and the visual quality is greatly refined for the combination of upgraded performance and improvements.
Remote teams
We have entered an era of remote collaboration that we’ve never seen before. Windows 11 users can leverage the Microsoft Teams Chat integration to manage conversations across the board.
Loyal Microsoft and Windows users who are eager to experience the new and improved UI will also greatly enjoy the new operating system.
While there are some lingering attributes from the former Windows 10, Windows 11 provides a much sleeker and modern look with more productivity enhancements. Take a look at the HP 17-cn3004ca Laptop, already equipped with the new Windows 11.
Windows 10 vs Windows 11: A brief comparison
It’s difficult to grasp the potential benefits and drawbacks of both operating systems without an in-depth comparison of the differences, and that’s exactly what we’re going to do.
Notable differences
As mentioned, some things remain the same but the most noteworthy distinctions are within the appearance and performance aspects.
Users are familiar with the Start menu and taskbar that are traditionally located on the lower left-hand corner of the screen, but we see a departure from the old-school design to one that sees them now centred. This provides a closer resemblance to the MacOS in this case.
The rounded-corner windows are also a far cry from what Windows users were used to, and it is a design that is also closer in line with the MacOS. The new Fluent Emojis and live captions in Windows 11 also add a touch of modernism compared to the more traditional design offered by Windows 10.
One of the biggest discrepancies between the two operating systems is the performance. Windows 11 has placed great emphasis on improving the functionality and capabilities of your device. Some of these enhancements include optimized memory management and heightened response times when waking up from sleep mode.
An important factor that’s important to point out is the CPU prioritization. Windows 11 achieves this by prioritizing the apps used in the foreground by allocating a larger share of the RAM to whichever app you are using rather than the ones you have open in the background. This also contributes to the optimized memory management we touched on previously.
Exclusive features
Exclusive features will explore what each operating system has that the other does not. With the release of Windows 11, we also see the removal of many beloved programs that users enjoyed, but will that impact your personal experience?
Windows 10
Windows 10 still features Cortana, which is a helpful virtual assistant that rivals Apple’s Siri. Cortana can perform web searches, schedule appointments, and carry out voice-activated commands. It’s safe to say that Cortana increased the user experience.
Live Tiles really kept your desktop tidy and organized with real-time updates and information displays from compatible apps. It has been replaced by Widgets in Windows 11, which seems to provide similar benefits.
We also wave goodbye to Continuum mode, which in Windows 10 would automatically adapt the device’s interface according to the user’s form factor. In other words, we see a seamless transition between tablet and desktop modes.
Windows 11
Is Windows 11 good? Well, the new operating system embraces Android app support via the Amazon App store. We also mentioned the Auto HDR and DirectStorage that passionate gamers will love and the replacement of Live Tiles with Widgets.
The addition of Virtual Desktops will also be a feature appreciated by professionals and those who love organization. We also see the simplification of remote work communication with Microsoft Teams Chat integration that will make global collaboration much more streamlined.
Whether or not the Windows 11 update is the right choice is a decision that should be guided by your personal preference and needs. Users who enjoy the familiar interface of past Windows operating systems may take a little longer to accept the upgrade, especially if there are still hurdles with the system requirement compatibility.
On the other hand, users who love to embrace new things and innovation could love the fresh makeover of the new operating system. Professionals who found it difficult to manage team chats and gamers who crave faster loading times are among the many who would appreciate the upgrade.
In the end, the choice between these two excellent operating systems lies with your specific needs.
About the Author: Jessica Lin is a contributing writer for HP Tech Takes.
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