HP Smart Tank 725 All-in-One (28B51A)

HP Smart Tank 725 All-in-One (28B51A): All features
Engineered for high-volume printing Get up to 18,000 black or 8,000 colour pages of Original HP Ink included in the box.
Automatic two-sided printing Speed through multi-page documents with automatic two-sided printing.
Your reliable connection Get faster, more reliable connections using dual band Wi-Fi® with self-healing.
HP Smart app Print, scan and copy from your phone – from anywhere. Enjoy advanced scanning for 12 months with HP Smart Tank.
Seamless, guided setup Use the guided, step-by-step videos to quickly set up your printer.
Exceptional HP quality Count on dark, crisp text, and get vibrant colour graphics for all your prints.
Smart-guided buttons Easily manage tasks with smart-guided buttons that illuminate and guide you through the printing process.
Convenient ink and paper management Easily monitor ink and paper levels with automatic Low on Ink and paper sensors.
More easily copy IDs Easily detects and copy IDs, and print on one page.
HP Wolf Essential security Safeguard your documents and memories right out of the box with critical protection against cyber-threats.