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The role of layout robots in improving construction productivity

HP SitePrint Blog

The role of layout robots in improving construction productivity

HP SitePrint Blog
Construction worker holding tablet.

Construction layout is a crucial step in the building process. It is the foundation upon which every other step is built. The layout process is when vital aspects of the architectural plans are drawn onto the floor. This ensures that everything goes where it's meant to.
For example, in order to know where to put up wall beams, you must first know where the walls are supposed to go. It also marks underground structures like water and electrical lines to avoid hitting or disrupting them. As you can imagine, without this step, the results could be disastrous or even deadly.
There have been huge advancements in construction technology that are making job sites safer and easier to navigate than ever. Things like surveying drones, wearable tech, and augmented reality have lowered job site risks and increased productivity.
One of these important technological advancements, construction layout robots like HP SitePrint, will be the focus of this article. We'll dive into topics like traditional layout challenges and what construction layout robots are. Then we'll discuss their benefits, applications, difficulties, and limitations.  

Challenges in traditional layout processes

The traditional construction layout process is time-consuming because it's all done by hand using tools like chalk lines. This includes everything from the underground water lines to where the walls should be placed. Not only is it a long process, but it's a vital one for project safety.
Human error can be a huge and costly challenge in this process. It's easy for the human brain to simply invert a couple of numbers or end up with incorrect measurements. In a situation where a few centimeters can cause dangerous and expensive issues down the line, this kind of small error can set a project back weeks and send it far over budget.
Another challenge is the safety and well-being of the workers. Construction layout is incredibly hard on the body due to all the bending needed to mark the ground. Plus, job sites can be dangerous, and there's always a risk that someone could get hurt.
As you can imagine, having workers looking at plans, taking measurements, setting up chalk lines, and marking the ground by hand can be very time-consuming and inefficient. Having them go through this meticulous process can eat up a lot of time and money. Up until now, there were no good solutions for eliminating any of these problems.

Introduction to layout robots

Construction layout robots, like HP SitePrint, are autonomous machines that print the design plans directly onto the ground. This compact and portable tool allows construction workers to complete the layout process faster and easier without the need to put their bodies on the line for the sake of the job.
These innovative tools can site print extremely accurate layouts for even the most complex plans with intricate arcs and circumferences. They can also add text for clarity. This easy-to-use technology seamlessly handles layout management with cloud-based software. It puts real power in the hands of your layout experts and in the hands of those at the office.

Benefits of layout robots in construction

There are many benefits to having construction layout robots on your construction site. Improved accuracy and precision make the layout more exact and remove common errors that can occur during the traditional layout process. This cuts down on wasted time, unnecessary spending, and using excess resources by eliminating the need to rework areas with mistakes.
Site printing your plans directly onto the floor also increases worker productivity substantially by:

  • Saving a ton of time

  • Reducing strenuous physical labor that can be harmful to contractors

  • Allowing workers to focus their expertise where it's needed most

This is especially important for worker health in an industry with an aging workforce. Brutal physical labor like construction layout requires bending down to the ground hundreds of times, which can cause repetitive stress injuries and shorten the number of working years they have left.
Technology like this can lessen the physical cost to contractors and reduce injury-based displacement that costs so many workers their jobs. It can also draw in new, young workers to help with labor shortages, as most of them (67%) consider technology when seeking employment. 

Applications of layout robots in construction

Construction layout robots can provide value in many different areas of the layout process. They can help with foundation and building layout to show where general structures like walls and doors should be. They can also site print the location of mechanical, electrical, and plumbing structures to ensure nothing receives damage later in the building process.
Construction layout robots can aid in concrete formwork and rebar placement and make prefabrication and modular construction projects even easier by clearly defining where each piece is meant to be placed. These processes must all be exact to be effective. Layout robots make sure everything is marked clearly and accurately by site printing the exact plans onto the floor and adding text for clarity.

Challenges and limitations of layout robots

Despite being a huge improvement over the current way of doing things, construction layout robots still have their challenges and limitations. One of the big ones is convincing stakeholders that it's an investment they should make. The technology makes the work much faster and easier, and it also saves on costs. The challenge is convincing stakeholders that it's a necessary or worthy investment.
Many people have an aversion to change and need to be shown the benefits to be convinced. You can do this by showing them how it will improve productivity and cut down on unnecessary costs. Give them details on all the numbers to demonstrate that the results are significant enough to merit investing time and money into implementation. 
Another challenge is the complexity and dynamic nature of construction site environments. It's important to find a robot that can best work around obstacles and respond to changes.

One of the biggest challenges is always getting on-site workers on board. They tend to resist changes and worry about new technology making them obsolete. Luckily, construction layout robots aren't a replacement for contractors—they are a tool to make their jobs faster, easier, and less physically exhausting.

Embracing the power of layout robots for construction productivity

Site printing robots represent the future of construction layout technology. Right now, adopting this tool is an option for making your construction projects run faster, smoother, and closer to budget. They'll provide a productivity and efficiency boost to give you an edge over competitors.
However, once most construction companies adopt similar technology, they'll no longer provide a helpful leg up. By then, they'll be a necessity to compete in the industry. Early adopters typically see the most benefits as they have more time to learn how to use the technology and integrate it into their workflow in an ideal way. It's time to join the cutting-edge and get ahead of the competition.
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