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Sustainable Construction: How Site Layout and Concrete Robots Reduce Wastage

HP SitePrint Blog

Sustainable Construction: How Site Layout and Concrete Robots Reduce Wastage
HP SitePrint Blog
Construction development team assessing the activity of concrete robots

The construction industry produces 40% of the world's carbon emissions. Over half of these emissions come from concrete, steel, and aluminum, which together contribute 23% of CO2 emissions each year. Concrete releases the most carbon emissions, at 11%. If the goal is to lower carbon emissions by 43% by 2030, then optimizing its use can play a significant role in meeting that goal.
Concrete's environmental impact comes from its use of natural resources and the processes associated with producing cement. Producing Portland cement relies on limestone and other natural resources, such as sand or rock, known as aggregates. These ingredients are combined and placed in high-temperature kilns. This process produces gases that are released into the atmosphere. Cement then goes to construction sites, where teams mix it with water to form concrete.
A 2022 study found that concrete makes up 60% of the material used in construction and generates 42% of its waste. Finding ways to optimize the use of concrete decreases the demand for cement and lowers the environmental impact of its production process. Optimal concrete use can also reduce project costs by lowering material expenses.
Site printing robots can help optimize concrete use with accurate site layouts. Precise measurements can reduce the contingency amount construction sites keep on hand and minimize errors that can result in rework. Combined with other mechanical solutions like concrete robots, technology can make a construction site safer for the environment and for workers.

Optimize Concrete Use with Site Layout Robots

Sustainable construction begins with design. A well-designed structure can use alternative methods and sustainable materials to reduce the stress on natural resources and carbon emissions. However, the design is only as effective as its implementation. Inaccurate communication can result in rework that adds to project costs and increased material purchases.

What Is a Site Printing Robot?

Drawing building layouts on construction sites has conventionally been a manual process, requiring framers to transfer blueprints to building floors. Site printing robots mark building floors automatically, eliminating a time-consuming and often inaccurate process. These robots can import CAD files for greater efficiency.


Creating a site layout for a 40,000-square-foot warehouse using measuring tapes and chalk lines is prone to error. While miscalculations may appear minor, they can result in rework and delays, not to mention added costs. Site printing robots can receive blueprints electronically and print directly from them onto the slab, decreasing the chance of error.

Obstacle Avoidance

Site printing robots recognize obstacles as they cross a concrete floor. They use sensor technology to detect and avoid obstacles that may be in their path. There are no repeated attempts to navigate around an object that could damage the concrete surface.

Precise Sizing and Positioning

Robots are precise. They can mark a layout to reduce the amount of excess cement that teams maintain on-site. They use external and internal technology to position lines, so adjustments are unnecessary.

Benefits of Site Printing Layout Robots

The construction industry lags behind other economic sectors in its digital transformation. Whether through back-office solutions or on-site robotics, the industry struggles with legacy systems and manual processes. It's projected that the world could save just under one trillion US dollars  in engineering and construction costs in 2025 if the industry would employ digital technologies.


Site printing robots reduce the labor required to transfer a blueprint from paper to the construction floor. Those resources are then allocated to higher-value tasks for increased productivity. Site printing robots can reduce timelines. They can complete a layout in hours that would otherwise take days of manual work. The robot's accuracy also minimizes the need for costly rework because of faulty site plans. 

More investors are looking at companies' environmental, social, and governance (ESG) scores. They are evaluating an organization's contribution to the environment before investing. With ongoing investments  on the line, more businesses are looking at how green their facilities are. 
Layout robots can reduce project costs with more accurate site plans. They can be part of the effort to encourage ESG investing for the construction industry and its clients. 


More efficient use of concrete during construction reduces the demand for natural resources needed to make cement. Lower demand means fewer gas emissions during production. With more accurate data, construction workers can minimize excess concrete at a job site. Using only what is needed keeps material costs down and eliminates disposal expenses.

While site printing robots help at the start of construction, concrete robots can also help reduce the environmental impact of older structures. Demolition robots make working conditions safer by reducing exposure to concrete dust. They also minimize the particles that are released into the atmosphere that impact air quality.


Site layout robots increase productivity by handling labor-intensive tasks. The freed resources can then be used to complete other project tasks, which can shorten timelines. When it's time to pour concrete, an accurate site plan can reduce the amount of excess materials.


Projects can start sooner because site printing robots can draw the site plan faster with fewer errors. More information can be printed to improve communications and reduce rework. Less time is spent trying to contact engineers or architects to resolve site plan questions. Projects can move forward with fewer disruptions.


Manually drawing site plans requires repetitive motions. Workers are bending, getting up and down, and resting on their knees. These repeated motions place a strain on muscles, which can impact productivity.

Construction sites can also use multiple robotics solutions beyond HP's site printing robot. For example, demolition concrete robots remove workers from work environments with poor air quality. As concrete is demolished, it produces particulates, making it difficult to breathe. Concrete robots can also offer finishing support to reduce exposure to concrete particulates.

HP SitePrint

HP SitePrint uses the latest technology to deliver print-on-concrete robots and solutions that can reduce the time it takes to draw a site plan. Precise plans allow workers to provide better estimates of material requirements. Construction companies do not need to purchase excess cement just to be safe. Lowering the demand for cement moves the construction industry one step closer to sustainability. Contact us to learn how HP SitePrint can increase productivity and reduce project costs.

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