Planting seeds of change

   HP's reforestation alliance with Jane Goodall Institute & Arbor Day Foundation

Planting seeds of change

HP's reforestation alliance with Jane Goodall Institute & Arbor Day Foundation


HP has always been dedicated to creating a sustainable future, and our partnerships with the Jane Goodall Institute and the Arbor Day Foundation are testaments to this commitment. By joining forces with these organizations, we aim to create a positive impact on our planet and enhance global conservation efforts. The partnership, known as "Trees for Jane," seeks to address urgent environmental challenges such as climate change, deforestation, and biodiversity loss.
The Jane Goodall Institute, founded by the renowned primatologist and conservationist, has been at the forefront of environmental conservation for over 40 years. The Institute's mission is to empower individuals and communities to conserve the natural world for future generations. With its extensive expertise in reforestation, community-centered conservation, and sustainable livelihoods, the Institute is an ideal partner for HP in our pursuit of a greener future.
The Arbor Day Foundation, the largest nonprofit membership organization dedicated to planting trees, has a mission to inspire people to plant, nurture, and celebrate trees. With over 50 years of experience in tree planting and conservation, the Arbor Day Foundation is a valuable partner in the Trees for Jane initiative.
Trees for Jane is a global initiative aimed at planting 3 million trees in Uganda's Budongo Forest by 2025. This ambitious goal will contribute to the restoration of one of the most biodiverse regions on the planet, which is home to a myriad of endangered species, including chimpanzees. The project will also create sustainable livelihoods for local communities by involving them in the reforestation and providing them with income-generating opportunities.
HP's involvement in Trees for Jane is not just about planting trees, but also about leveraging technology for environmental conservation. HP's Forest Positive Framework, which focuses on responsible sourcing, efficient use, and forest restoration, will help support the initiative's objectives. By integrating advanced technologies, such as big data, remote sensing, and analytics, the Trees for Jane project will help monitor and optimize the reforestation process while promoting sustainable forest management.
The collaboration between HP, the Jane Goodall Institute, and the Arbor Day Foundation reflects a shared vision of a sustainable and equitable world. As a global technology leader, HP is committed to using innovation to drive positive change and protect our planet's precious resources. Through the Trees for Jane initiative, we are taking a proactive approach to tackling pressing environmental issues and ensuring a greener, more sustainable future for all.