Technology that accelerates digital equity

Accelerating equitable access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunity for those who are systemically excluded so they can participate and thrive in a digital economy.

Progress at a glance in 2023

Partnerships and programs for the future

Digital Equity Accelerator

Around the world, socioeconomic divides are widening as societies become more digital. Established in 2022, the Digital Equity Accelerator provides selected organizations $100,000 capacity-building grants, HP technology ($100,000 value), and a six-month, virtual program including training, mentorship and technical consultations, designed to help strengthen capacity and scale digital equity impact.

Where we’re at:

  • In 2023, a cohort of 10 nonprofit organizations were selected from Malaysia, South Africa, and Mexico.
  • The Accelerator's efforts have helped organizations reach an additional 8.1 million people by providing access to technology and digital skills.
  • In 2024, the Digital Equity Accelerator is focused on supporting nonprofits from Brazil, Canada, and Poland.


Nonprofit NABU works to improve childhood literacy and confidence in marginalized groups by publishing books in children’s native languages.

Where we’re at:

  • Trained 111 authors
  • Produced 288 book adaptations
  • Launched more than 2000 classrooms in India
  • More than 500K students benefited
  • Two HP NABU Creative Labs launched in Kigali and Miami


Girl Rising

Girl Rising uses the power of storytelling to change the way the world values girls and their education.

Where we’re at:

  • Since 2019, our partnership with Girl Rising has equipped 20.8 million students and teachers in India, Nigeria, and the United States with a new, inclusive curriculum and innovative technology solutions.
  • In 2023, we reached more than 6.3 million people, including almost 5.8 million through Girl Rising’s partnership in India with NGO Slam Out Loud, which uses the arts to build skills such as communication, critical thinking, and empathy among children from disadvantaged communities.
  • We also support Future Rising, Girl Rising’s interactive storytelling hub and social action campaign for addressing the interconnected issues of educating girls and addressing climate change. In 2023, we supported the young cohort of 10 Future Rising Fellows



HP LIFE enables people to improve their skills by providing access to free, accessible IT and business skills training courses in eight languages. It is also an adaptable educational resource used on the ground by trainers, educators, and mentors.

Where we’re at:

  • 30 free courses in eight languages
  • 1.2m enrolled since 2016
  • 200+ countries and territories all over the world


1 Million Teachers

1M Teachers is building a critical mass of highly trained and enterprising education changemakers who will lead grassroots improvements within their communities.

Where were at:
  • HP is collaborating with 1 Million Teachers in Sub-Saharan Africa to deliver the Black Belt Program, designed to empower teachers to support students and advance their right to quality education by providing skills, resources, and mentors.
  • The training includes personal and professional development, gender responsiveness, and special education. -During 2023, the initiative enrolled more than 12,800 teachers.


Continued investments


Our education programs and digital learning initiatives aim to open up access and opportunity for people across the world.


Impact stories

Economic opportunities

A girl using an HP Laptop
We use our investments and the purchase of HP technology and products to widen economic opportunity and help the young and disadvantaged grow their skillsets.


A girl using an HP Laptop

Impact stories


Data courtesy of Prensilia SRL, OT4 Orthopadietechnik GmbH, and Glaze Prostetics.
We are expanding digital health equity by putting clinician and patient needs first and widening access to advanced medical tech.


Impact stories

Want to know more?

Affiliations and memberships


HP belongs to or affiliates with many organizations that address global citizenship issues.


Policies and


Our policies set out the standards and principles that guide our business.


Corporate giving


Our support is strategically chosen and we do not respond to requests from individuals or non-profit organizations.



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Sustainability questions?


  1. Our programs aim to accelerate digital equity through providing access to at least one of the following: hardware, connectivity, content, or digital literacy. Digital equity and learning outcomes data includes both direct and indirect reach. Indirect reach is sometimes based on estimates using multipliers.

  2. We enable better learning outcomes by supporting education through provision of learning and digital literacy programs and solutions. Digital equity and learning outcomes data include both direct and indirect reach. Indirect reach is sometimes based on estimates using multipliers.

  3. Includes valuation of employee volunteer hours, employee donations, HP Foundation match, and HP Foundation grants.


    Product images are for illustration purposes only, product availability and colors may vary by country.