Woman holds a convertible HP laptop next to a young boy leaning over to touch the screen. Another boy sits on the other side in front of schoolwork.

Across the globe, integrating artificial intelligence (AI) has shown significant benefits in personalizing students' learning experiences. Yet, educational technology trends in Hong Kong are at a crucial stage where effective strategies could redefine its educational landscape.

Education Minister Christine Choi Yuk-lin's caution about using AI in classrooms points to a shared concern: finding the balance between leveraging technology and maintaining academic integrity.

This article aims to pave the way for deeper engagement with AI applications in Hong Kong schools by offering actionable strategies and showcasing best practices in AI education for Hong Kong.

Let’s get started.

Current Landscape of AI in Hong Kong Education

In Hong Kong schools, AI is starting to make its mark. The city started by launching an AI curriculum for junior secondary students in 2023 to bring lessons on ChatGPT and other AI technologies to over 450 public secondary schools.

Students from Form One to Three will incorporate 10 to 14 hours of AI-related content into its Information and Communication Technology (ICT) classes to learn the basics of artificial intelligence including computer vision, speech, language understanding, robotic reasoning as well as AI ethics and social impacts.

“Students may not take up jobs in innovation and technology in the future, but their lives will definitely be affected by AI, no matter positively or negatively,” says Hong Kong’s Education Bureau chief curriculum development officer Henry Lin.

However, there are challenges. Educators and policymakers face the task of making sure every school has what it needs for AI education including professional development for teachers, curriculum resources and technological infrastructure.Teachers also need continuous support for integrating AI into their classes while staying updated with the latest advancements.

On the bright side, AI gives students more freedom to learn their own way. It makes classes more interesting, which can help students want to learn more.

Strategies for Enhancing AI Integration in Hong Kong Schools

To boost AI integration in Hong Kong schools, the Hong Kong government has teamed up with Microsoft Hong Kong for a project that boosts AI learning in K-12 schools.

Known as the Partners in Learning (PiL) Program 5.0, the program aims to give schools and teachers what they need to prepare students for a future filled with technology. Lin points out that while about 70% of public secondary schools have started teaching AI topics, there's room for improvement.

Starting from September, over 1,000 ICT teachers from these schools will receive special training on how to teach AI effectively and Primary Four to Six pupils can enroll in an enriched coding curriculum created just for them.

Implementing AI Tools and Technologies in Classrooms

Bringing AI tools and technologies into classrooms is key for a modern learning experience. By leveraging AI-driven learning platforms, students can benefit from personalized learning tailored for individual needs.  

AI-Driven Learning Platforms

AI-driven learning platforms can effectively change how students in Hong Kong learn by letting each student drive their own experience. Through the use of virtual and augmented reality, students can explore subjects like history and science in a way that feels real. For instance, by using HP’s Reverb G2 Virtual Reality Headset, they can explore ancient ruins or see inside a human heart, increasing engagement and understanding.

AI can also be instrumental at teaching languages, with organizations like TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) already offering courses for English Teachers in Hong Kong.

“I’m surprised to learn that ChatGPT is that powerful,” exclaims first time user Melody Ma. “I don’t have the ability to write such amazing things in both Chinese and English.”

For educators, devices like the HP ProBook 400 Series with its AI-powered workflow and dynamic performance tuning, make work easier and more efficient by automating administrative tasks, freeing up time for teaching and student interaction.

Successful Implementations of AI in Hong Kong Schools

From language classes to history lessons, AI tools are already making an impression on students. In one instance, students taking a Chinese literature class were asked to use ChatGPT to analyze a short story written by late author XiXi about a mortuary makeup artist who reveals her profession to her new boyfriend. While AI was great at providing different perspectives and well-organized arguments, teacher Ho says it has limits.

For instance, it wasn’t quite capable at portraying emotion or empathizing with characters in the story.

“The students’ writing demonstrated a deeper connection and a more nuanced understanding of the characters,” Ho says.

Another example comes from a history class where students used ChatGPT to analyze the motivations and consequences of the Cold War. While it was useful, the teacher cautioned that it can sometimes get facts wrong.

Despite these challenges, there are clear benefits in how students engage. Critical thinking and their ability to evaluate multiple perspectives improved significantly, demonstrating that ChatGPT, when used properly, can be valuable for effective classroom work.

Professional Development for Educators

AI education in Hong Kong is growing. Since October 2023, the Education Bureau has offered AI in Education Professional Development Programs for educators.

This training includes learning theories and practical ways to use AI tools in class. Courses like “Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Picture Books Creation in Primary Schools” to “Using Online Resources to Enhance Teaching Effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Education at the Junior Secondary Level” empower educators to create interactive lessons, making learning fun and engaging.

However, improvements can be made. Upskilling teachers in AI is key to unlocking the potential of educational technology. By equipping educators with advanced AI skills, students can benefit through a more dynamic and responsive learning environment. Ongoing professional development for educators ensures they remain informed on the latest AI advancements, enabling them to leverage the tools and techniques to keep students engaged and prepared for the future.

Ethical Considerations and Data Privacy in AI Education

Using AI in education comes with ethical concerns, especially when keeping student’s information safe. Misuse can result in data privacy breaches, leading to identity theft, unauthorized data manipulation and loss of trust between the student and school.

HP products for AI education in Hong Kong like the HP Classroom Manager can help. By integrating advanced security features, HP Classroom Manager ensures student data is protected through encryption and controlled access.

Its real-time learning assessment as well as device monitoring capabilities allow teachers to maintain a secure learning environment while addressing ethical concerns immediately.

Collaboration with Industry

Partnerships between schools and industry leaders is key to bringing AI into Hong Kong classrooms. Forging strong connections can enhance how schools prepare students for the future, providing them with cutting-edge tools and real-world experience. 

HP and NVIDIA: Pioneering AI Education and Development

Recently, HP and NVIDIA announced the integration of NVIDIA CUDA-X data processing libraries with HP workstations to enhance the preparation and processing of data essential for generative AI development.

Built upon NVIDIA’s CUDA platform, this technology has the ability to speed up data processing by up to 110x using NVIDIA’s RTX 600 GPU, and will be available soon on HP AI workstations. 

This technology can revolutionize the way students engage with AI by providing them access to advanced data processing tools previously limited to professional environments. By providing students with hands-on experience, it can enhance their technical skills but also inspire innovation and creativity, preparing them to tackle real-world challenges in big data and artificial intelligence.

Future Directions and Innovations of AI in Education

The global AI education market is projected to reach $200 billion by 2025, highlighting AI’s impact to transform traditional learning environments with personalized and adaptive solutions. AI enhances learning by creating personalized education, analyzing performance to tailor individualized support while ensuring each student receives the level of challenge and assistance they require.

In the near future, projects include the development of AI-driven personal tutors that can provide real-time feedback and support individual student needs. AI tools are also anticipated to support teachers by automating administrative tasks and providing data-driven insights into student performance, allowing educators to focus more on interacting and engaging with students.


Hong Kong is on an exciting journey with AI set to transform classrooms and enhance student learning experiences. From launching AI curriculums in schools to offering professional development programs for teachers, the city is making significant strides to personalize education while equipping students with the skills needed to thrive in a tech-driven world.

By collaborating with industry leaders like HP and NVIDIA, students gain invaluable hands-on experience, boosting technical skills but also inspiring creativity and innovation. These partnerships ensure that students are not only consumers of technology but also active participants in shaping the future.

Seeing AI change schools shows us all how important it is to keep moving forward together. Resources are out there to help bring these changes into classrooms. So, why wait? Start making those improvements now and see how much better learning can be with AI by your side.