Monthly Archives: January 2023

  1. How to Use CDs and DVDs on a Computer with No Disk Drive

    Laptop on Table Outside

    When was the last time you needed to play a CD or DVD on your computer? While you may not have to do this as often as you once did, it’s also the only way to access certain games, albums, or movies. If the media isn’t available digitally, a disk is your best option. Alternatively, you may have backed up some of your files to a disk at some point and need to access them again.

    If your computer has an internal optical drive, then you have nothing to worry about – but what do you do if it doesn't have one? In this guide, we’ll give you the facts on how to play a DVD or CD on a desktop PC or laptop with no disk drive.

    What happened to disk drives?

    Nearly all modern PCs lack disk drives. This is especially true for laptops, which have to make the best use of their space to deliver a truly portable computing experience.

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  2. Integrated vs Dedicated Graphics Cards: How to Choose the Best GPU

    Graphic Cards

    The debate of integrated vs dedicated graphics cards (GPUs) is almost as old as modern PCs, but the argument has definitely changed over the years. In the past, integrated GPUs had a poor reputation related to a lack of power. But advances in technology have helped to close the gap between the two options.

    In this guide, we’ll explain the differences between integrated and dedicated graphics cards, and who needs which type of GPU, so you can make the best purchasing decision for your needs.

    How does a GPU work?

    A GPU allows a computer to render images processed by the CPU. You can get a firm grasp on the GPU’s power when you run graphics-intensive processes, such as gaming, video editing, and 3D rendering.


    In particular, video game performance greatly depends on your computer’s

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  3. What Monitor Ports Types Do I Need?

    HP Monitor Ports

    Today’s computer monitor comes with a variety of port options, all of which have different functions and use cases. And when it comes to buying a new monitor, you’ll want to know exactly which ports are included in your latest device.

    But which ports do you actually need? Well, it all depends. If you own a legacy device, you may require certain older style ports in addition to the latest, speediest ones.

    To make sense of all things port-related, read on. We’ll help you learn more about the most common ports, which ones you need to connect your favorite monitor, and when you may need them.

    What monitor ports are most common?

    HDMI, DisplayPort, and USB-C™ are the most common types of monitor ports and cables, and you’ll find them on the majority of modern

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  4. HP Care Pack Buying Guide

    HP Care Pack Buying Guide Logo

    When purchasing a new PC, it’s easy to overlook warranty options or decline coverage altogether for one reason or another. Maybe you don’t think you need it because you take great care of your devices, or perhaps you’d rather not tack on additional costs. The thing is, PCs may require repairs for various reasons, often outside your control.

    When considering coverage for a new PC, it’s important to first think about your needs. For instance, will you require immediate repairs if something goes awry? Or could you wait a day or two for service? Also think about whether you’re prone to causing damage to or losing your device, and whether you want those covered by your warranty.

    With the HP Care Pack system, which is available with any new device from HP, you can choose from flexible options depending on the type of coverage you want. The coverage options also depend

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  5. Best HP Computer Speakers

    HP Computer Speakers

    Computers have oh-so-many specs: processing speed, graphics, display, memory, storage - the list goes on. But many computer users forget about one of the most important aspects of the user experience: sound.

    Sound is an essential component of many computer functions, from gaming and movies, to video conferencing, to watching online videos.

    Don’t your Netflix shows deserve cinema-quality audio? Doesn’t your game-world

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  6. What’s the Difference Between USB-C vs Thunderbolt 3?

    USB Laptop Plug

    In the past, the Thunderbolt and USB standards were entirely separate, leading to confusion and ultimately frustration over ports, plugs, and cables. “Can I use this cable to charge this laptop? What about plugging in my phone?”

    Thankfully, with the creation of USB-C and Thunderbolt 3 technology, the two are now largely interchangeable. While there are some key differences between Thunderbolt and USB-C, there’s mostly good news on this front. USB-C cables are now entirely compatible with Thunderbolt ports, and USB-C ports are compatible with Thunderbolt cables.

    This makes it easier than ever for computer users to use the best cable they have available. And in many instances, either standard is fine. However, it’s important to understand the differences between Thunderbolt and USB-C so that you can make the right purchasing decision for your needs.

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  7. How to Set Up a Virtual Private Network (VPN)

    Virtual Private Network

    Virtual private networks (VPNs) have become quite common in the tech industry, and virtually all corporations and client-based businesses use protected networks to secure their sensitive data from malicious hackers and unauthorized users.

    With data breaches happening so frequently, consumers and corporations alike are taking action to protect themselves online. VPNs have become an essential security tool in the tech world. In this “How-To” article we’re telling you what you should know about choosing a VPN provider, and how to set up your VPN to your Windows 10 operating system.

    What is a VPN?

    When you use a virtual protected network, your computer connects to a remote server while browsing on the internet. Instead of showing your device as connected to the public WiFi, your traffic reflects wherever your server

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  8. How Do I Turn Off Touch Screen?

    Lady Operating a Laptop

    Touch screen displays have critical functionality and benefits to provide a more streamlined and convenient workflow. With more support for mobility and collaboration than traditional displays, a touch screen can have a big impact on how you use your laptop or display. It can also provide a deeper connection to your work and entertainment.

    By the same token, there are situations where it makes more sense to turn it off. Whether it’s out of caution or between periods of heavier use, shutting down your touch screen can effectively restrict its access. This can be particularly useful when you travel or when there are people around who may damage the screen through improper use, like kids or customers.

    Most touch screens don’t have external ways to shut them off, but it’s actually quite simple to do this through Windows 10. In this article, we’ll outline the two easiest and most common methods for toggling your touch screen’s functionality.

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  9. Intel Optane Memory: What is It and Why Do You Need It?

    Intel Optane Memory

    If you’re in the market for a new laptop at home or work, you've undoubtedly been confronted with a number of choices. It might be easy to choose between a mobile laptop versus a desktop tower, and you might have several stand-out features at the top of your priority list, but when it comes to computer memory, the answer isn’t always clear.

    When browsing solid state drives (SSDs) and hard disk drives (HDDs), an Intel® Optane™ motherboard is one choice you might encounter. Not sure what Intel Optane means

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