
  1. Essential Microsoft Excel Formulas and Functions for Beginners

    Man in an office sitting in front of an HP desktop looking at a spreadsheet with data and charts. Next to him is another desktop with pie charts and across from him are two other people working on desktops.

    Welcome to Excel functions for beginners - a game-changer in your professional growth. Imagine having the power to crunch numbers, analyze data, and make informed decisions- all with a few clicks and keyboard strokes.

    Mastering basic Excel formulas can bring this to your table. With this skill, you’ll become more efficient and confident in handling tasks that involve data analysis in Excel.

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  2. Choosing The Right HP Instant Ink Plan For You

    Person picking up an HP Instant Ink box along with other mail from the front door welcome mat.
    Running out of ink again? Constantly purchasing expensive cartridges at inconvenient times can be a real headache. Good news - a smart solution might change how you think about buying ink forever.
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  3. Staying Organized: A Guide to Digital Productivity Tools

    Staying Organized: A Guide to Digital Productivity Tools
    Morning meditation and slow-release breakfasts are still superb ways to spark productivity—but as the world gets faster, we all need a little bit of digital support to stay organized and maximize our efficiency.
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  4. A Guide to Smartphone Photography

    A Guide to Smartphone Photography
    With advancements in camera technology and the convenience of carrying a device with a high-quality camera, smartphone photography has become increasingly popular among amateur and professional photographers alike.
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  5. Understanding the Impact of Deepfake Technology

    Understanding the Impact of Deepfake Technology
    Cast as the all-knowing voice of God in the 2003 movie "Bruce Almighty," Morgan Freeman’s soothing yet authoritative tone has been used time and again for documentary and voice-over work. Audiences associate his character with trustworthiness, and his statements are regarded with a heavy degree of reliability.
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  6. Virtual Reality in Education: The Future of Learning Environments

    Virtual Reality in Education: The Future of Learning Environments
    In years past, preparing to go back to school after a relaxing summer break included stocking up on pens, binders, and multi-colored highlighters. Students learned by reading textbooks, and educators constructed lesson plans around writing notes on a chalkboard. Printing out materials to reinforce key topics through homework assignments was the norm.
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  7. Essential HP Tech for Small Business Start-ups in Hong Kong

    Essential HP Tech for Small Business Start-ups in Hong Kong

    Start-ups in Hong Kong face a range of challenges unique to the city's business environment. Hong Kong is known for its high cost of living, including expensive office spaces, housing, and labour costs. Each new hire and every additional tool you purchase needs to be carefully considered to avoid wasted resources.

    Founders make dozens of decisions every day, constantly weighing risk against reward, with the vision of solving real problems and improving people’s lives. Knowing which types of tech for small business start-ups are most likely to contribute to growth and prevent unnecessary headaches can be a huge asset. 

    HP can help you take some of the guesswork out of your office and productivity decisions. Join along to learn which tools for small businesses are built to give you the upper hand to navigate Hong Kong’s competitive start-up scene and thrive.

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  8. What is Screen Mirroring?

    Screen Mirroring

    Have you heard of the term “screen mirroring?” While it may sound complicated, it’s relatively simple to do and opens up opportunities for device owners to share gaming experiences, presentations, and even movies on other screens. It’s changing the way we view media and makes it more accessible for those with small or outdated devices. Here’s everything you need to know about how to screen mirror your Windows device.

    Screen mirroring explained

    Mirroring is showing the exact same thing that’s on one screen on a second screen. It allows you to play the game or movie on your mobile phone, for example, and show it on your big-screen TV as well. Why would you want to mirror? It’s an easy way to share your device with others, it can make viewing small text easier, and it gives you the benefit

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  9. Integrated vs Dedicated Graphics Cards: How to Choose the Best GPU

    Graphic Cards

    The debate of integrated vs dedicated graphics cards (GPUs) is almost as old as modern PCs, but the argument has definitely changed over the years. In the past, integrated GPUs had a poor reputation related to a lack of power. But advances in technology have helped to close the gap between the two options.

    In this guide, we’ll explain the differences between integrated and dedicated graphics cards, and who needs which type of GPU, so you can make the best purchasing decision for your needs.

    How does a GPU work?

    A GPU allows a computer to render images processed by the CPU. You can get a firm grasp on the GPU’s power when you run graphics-intensive processes, such as gaming, video editing, and 3D rendering.


    In particular, video game performance greatly depends on your computer’s

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  10. HP Care Pack Buying Guide

    HP Care Pack Buying Guide Logo

    When purchasing a new PC, it’s easy to overlook warranty options or decline coverage altogether for one reason or another. Maybe you don’t think you need it because you take great care of your devices, or perhaps you’d rather not tack on additional costs. The thing is, PCs may require repairs for various reasons, often outside your control.

    When considering coverage for a new PC, it’s important to first think about your needs. For instance, will you require immediate repairs if something goes awry? Or could you wait a day or two for service? Also think about whether you’re prone to causing damage to or losing your device, and whether you want those covered by your warranty.

    With the HP Care Pack system, which is available with any new device from HP, you can choose from flexible options depending on the type of coverage you want. The coverage options also depend

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