
  1. Best HP Computer Speakers

    HP Computer Speakers

    Computers have oh-so-many specs: processing speed, graphics, display, memory, storage - the list goes on. But many computer users forget about one of the most important aspects of the user experience: sound.

    Sound is an essential component of many computer functions, from gaming and movies, to video conferencing, to watching online videos.

    Don’t your Netflix shows deserve cinema-quality audio? Doesn’t your game-world

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  2. What’s the Difference Between USB-C vs Thunderbolt 3?

    USB Laptop Plug

    In the past, the Thunderbolt and USB standards were entirely separate, leading to confusion and ultimately frustration over ports, plugs, and cables. “Can I use this cable to charge this laptop? What about plugging in my phone?”

    Thankfully, with the creation of USB-C and Thunderbolt 3 technology, the two are now largely interchangeable. While there are some key differences between Thunderbolt and USB-C, there’s mostly good news on this front. USB-C cables are now entirely compatible with Thunderbolt ports, and USB-C ports are compatible with Thunderbolt cables.

    This makes it easier than ever for computer users to use the best cable they have available. And in many instances, either standard is fine. However, it’s important to understand the differences between Thunderbolt and USB-C so that you can make the right purchasing decision for your needs.

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  3. How to Set Up a Virtual Private Network (VPN)

    Virtual Private Network

    Virtual private networks (VPNs) have become quite common in the tech industry, and virtually all corporations and client-based businesses use protected networks to secure their sensitive data from malicious hackers and unauthorized users.

    With data breaches happening so frequently, consumers and corporations alike are taking action to protect themselves online. VPNs have become an essential security tool in the tech world. In this “How-To” article we’re telling you what you should know about choosing a VPN provider, and how to set up your VPN to your Windows 10 operating system.

    What is a VPN?

    When you use a virtual protected network, your computer connects to a remote server while browsing on the internet. Instead of showing your device as connected to the public WiFi, your traffic reflects wherever your server

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  4. How Do I Turn Off Touch Screen?

    Lady Operating a Laptop

    Touch screen displays have critical functionality and benefits to provide a more streamlined and convenient workflow. With more support for mobility and collaboration than traditional displays, a touch screen can have a big impact on how you use your laptop or display. It can also provide a deeper connection to your work and entertainment.

    By the same token, there are situations where it makes more sense to turn it off. Whether it’s out of caution or between periods of heavier use, shutting down your touch screen can effectively restrict its access. This can be particularly useful when you travel or when there are people around who may damage the screen through improper use, like kids or customers.

    Most touch screens don’t have external ways to shut them off, but it’s actually quite simple to do this through Windows 10. In this article, we’ll outline the two easiest and most common methods for toggling your touch screen’s functionality.

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  5. Intel Optane Memory: What is It and Why Do You Need It?

    Intel Optane Memory

    If you’re in the market for a new laptop at home or work, you've undoubtedly been confronted with a number of choices. It might be easy to choose between a mobile laptop versus a desktop tower, and you might have several stand-out features at the top of your priority list, but when it comes to computer memory, the answer isn’t always clear.

    When browsing solid state drives (SSDs) and hard disk drives (HDDs), an Intel® Optane™ motherboard is one choice you might encounter. Not sure what Intel Optane means

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  6. [觸控筆]好處逐樣數

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  7. 25 款人氣[高清電腦桌布],眼花撩亂

    25 款人氣[高清電腦桌布]
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  8. 15 個人氣[ windows 10 主題]

    15 個人氣 windows 10 主題

    你實際上多久更換一次 Windows 10 PC 的桌面圖片?如果你不經常[切換 Win 10 桌面],那麼本文正好適合你。你能以合理的價格,甚至免費獲取很多出色的 [Win 10 佈景主題]。


    如何安裝 [Windows 10 主題]

    如果你不打算逐步尋找、下載和安裝新的手提電腦或桌面電腦佈景主題,那麼好消息就是作業系統已提供了很多主題。如果你只想稍微改變一下背景觀感,擺脫標準的 [Win 10 佈景主題],這些內置主題就可派上用場。

    如果你想為整個電腦介面改頭換面,亦可在 Microsoft Store [下載 Win 10 主題],甚至可以找到[免費 Win 10 動態桌布]。此外,你亦可使用第三方佈景主題,但在下載之前請確保這些主題沒有感染惡意軟件。如果有,便可能會導致裝置出現一些嚴重問題,甚至需要重新安裝整個作業系統。

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  9. 5 大[爆 ping 原因]以及如何[降低 ping 值]

    5 大 爆 ping 原因 以及如何 降低 ping 值
    當你與朋友一同沉浸於遊戲世界時,最令人沮喪的事莫過於每秒格數 (fps) 起伏不定,因而導致遊戲出現遲滯。你可能很想知道系統或網絡到底出現了什麼問題,以及有何對策。
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  10. HP QuickDrop:以簡易的無線方式傳輸檔案

    通過 HP QuickDrop 將文件傳輸到 HP 筆記本電腦的手機
    HP QuickDrop 是由 HP 開發的免費應用程式,可讓用戶透過無線方式,在智能手機和 HP 電腦之間分享檔案。可在 Google Play 和 App Store 下載。
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