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Have you heard of the term “screen mirroring?” While it may sound complicated, it’s relatively simple to do and opens up opportunities for device owners to share gaming experiences, presentations, and even movies on other screens. It’s changing the way we view media and makes it more accessible for those with small or outdated devices. Here’s everything you need to know about how to screen mirror your Windows device.
Mirroring is showing the exact same thing that’s on one screen on a second screen. It allows you to play the game or movie on your mobile phone, for example, and show it on your big-screen TV as well. Why would you want to mirror? It’s an easy way to share your device with others, it can make viewing small text easier, and it gives you the benefit
Today’s computer monitor comes with a variety of port options, all of which have different functions and use cases. And when it comes to buying a new monitor, you’ll want to know exactly which ports are included in your latest device.
But which ports do you actually need? Well, it all depends. If you own a legacy device, you may require certain older style ports in addition to the latest, speediest ones.
To make sense of all things port-related, read on. We’ll help you learn more about the most common ports, which ones you need to connect your favorite monitor, and when you may need them.
HDMI, DisplayPort, and USB-C™ are the most common types of monitor ports and cables, and you’ll find them on the majority of modern
防反射 (AR) 塗層已存在多年,從處方眼鏡到相機鏡頭都會用到。隨著 AR 塗層技術的發展,該項技術亦融合至電子裝置,包括智能手機、平板電腦、手提電腦及顯示器等。
如今,電子裝置在其螢幕上增加 AR 塗層的情況極其普遍。然而,使用帶有[防眩光螢幕]的裝置有利亦有弊。本文將詳細講解[防眩光螢幕]的優點與缺點,以便你作出更全面的評估。
因此,許多高質素[防眩光電腦螢幕],包括 HP EliteDisplay E273 27 英寸顯示器 及
你實際上多久更換一次 Windows 10 PC 的桌面圖片?如果你不經常[切換 Win 10 桌面],那麼本文正好適合你。你能以合理的價格,甚至免費獲取很多出色的 [Win 10 佈景主題]。
如果你不打算逐步尋找、下載和安裝新的手提電腦或桌面電腦佈景主題,那麼好消息就是作業系統已提供了很多主題。如果你只想稍微改變一下背景觀感,擺脫標準的 [Win 10 佈景主題],這些內置主題就可派上用場。
如果你想為整個電腦介面改頭換面,亦可在 Microsoft Store [下載 Win 10 主題],甚至可以找到[免費 Win 10 動態桌布]。此外,你亦可使用第三方佈景主題,但在下載之前請確保這些主題沒有感染惡意軟件。如果有,便可能會導致裝置出現一些嚴重問題,甚至需要重新安裝整個作業系統。
星期一至五 上午9時半至晚上6時