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HP Assistive Technology Vendor News

May 2007

check my product for accessibility, section 508 VPAT

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HPATV Newsletter

HP is committed to developing products, services and information that are accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities or age-related limitations. A cornerstone of our commitment is our work with key assistive technology vendors – companies like yours – to bring innovative solutions to market. HP Assistive Technology Vendor News highlights how we can better work together for the benefit of our mutual customers.

In this issue

» Global research reveals few employers are taking action to recruit and retain older workers
» HP and partners' products featured in article about assistive technology
» Add your product to HP's virtual tradeshow to show it off 24 hours a day
» DSPP brings you lead generation services at a discount
» IT spending projections for state and local governments and federal agencies

Global research reveals few employers are taking action to recruit and retain older workers

Manpower Inc. recently conducted a survey of more than 28,000 employers across 25 countries and territories to determine the extent to which employers have recruiting and/or retention strategies in place for workers age 50 and above. The findings reveal that only 14 percent of employers worldwide have strategies in place to recruit older workers and only 21 percent have implemented retention strategies to keep them participating in the workforce.

According to Jeffrey A. Joerres, Chairman and CEO of Manpower Inc., "A surprisingly large number of organizations are still viewing upcoming retirements as cost-savings opportunities, but this is a dangerous and shortsighted view, as older adults will be relied upon as one of the most important sources of talent for the future workforce."

The release of the survey results coincides with the publication of a new Manpower white paper, "The New Agenda for an Older Workforce." The white paper explores the increasing reality of the global aging workforce, the resulting gaps in workforce supply, and the demand that this is creating. It proposes strategies that companies can adopt to circumvent these talent challenges; recommendations on how employers can help older employees extend their careers should they choose to do so; and suggestions for the role that governments can play to help solve the older worker conundrum.

Along with HP, Microsoft sees the opportunities in providing accessible solutions to an aging workforce. Accessible technology-originally intended to enable people with severe disabilities such as blindness to learn and work-can remove workplace barriers, increase employment opportunities for many older workers, and offer them greater access to information and online services.

Now is the time for HP and our assistive technology vendor partners to design, market and sell products that can help aging workers stay in the active workforce longer. Together we can develop solutions for enterprise/corporate customers who will be looking for tools and technologies that will allow older workers to use computers more easily and effectively.

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Young student taught by older teacher.

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HP and partners’ products featured in article about assistive technology

The Seattle Times recently published an article about assistive technology, featuring a number of products from HP Assistive Technology Vendor partners, including:
  • Cyrano Communicator from One Write Company, which runs on a Hewlett-Packard iPAQ rx3715 handheld personal digital assistant (PDA). Cyrano provides a context-based navigation system that helps users with text displayed on the iPAQ's screen and recorded speech to communicate with others.
  • The ViewPlus Emprint Braille Printer, which combines a Hewlett-Packard inkjet printing engine with paper-embossing technology to produce pages that can be read by both sighted and nonsighted readers. In addition to the inkjet printing, documents can include Braille printing and embossed graphics (including raised text and math characters).
  • The iCommunicator, a software package that converts speech to text or text to sign language. PPR Inc. produces the iCommunicator.
  • Dolphin Computer Access' Pocket Hal, a screen reader application that runs on the iPAQ platform as well as any PDA running Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition or Windows Mobile 5.

Read the full article

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Add your product to HP's virtual tradeshow to show it off 24 hours a day

Would you like more visibility for your product and/or solution? Do you want customers, HP sales people, and other partners that might be interested in working with you to see your demo? Are your resources stretched thin, trying to show your product to as many people as possible? If the answer to any of these questions is 'yes,' then we have a solution for you: the HP Solution Demo Portal.

Think of the HP Solution Demo Portal as a virtual trade show featuring your own virtual booth. You can show the key features of your product via a Macromedia Flash presentation. You create the presentation, and HP will host it for you. And if you act now, we'll give you a full year of hosting for free. This offer is exclusively for DSPP members.

To learn more about this offer and to view sample virtual demos, visit this service in the DSPP portal.

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DSPP brings you lead generation services at a discount

Would you like to reach more and better qualified prospects with your marketing and sales campaigns? Do you need help developing and managing your customer and prospect database? Do you need sales drivers to help get your messages out?

HP has negotiated special discount rates for lead generation services as an exclusive benefit for DSPP members. Among the services are:

  • Database acquisition - based on your very targeted criteria, rent the use of databases with current contact names for your desired geographic location.
  • Lead generation -- lead generation experts will assist you with developing, designing, promoting and delivering your content.
  • Sales drivers - get help with developing direct mail pieces, post cards, HTML emails and more.

The services are provided by third party providers that are specialists in their respective areas. All have agreed to give special discounted rates to DSPP members to help you with your lead generation needs. With your in-depth knowledge of your target audience and these tools and services, you'll have tons of sales leads in no time.

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IT spending projections for state and local governments and federal agencies

Get ready to get your share of the dollars spent on information technology by U.S. federal, state and local government agencies. Spending is increasing, and opportunities to sell assistive technology abound as more agencies look for ways to hire or retain workers over the age of 50.
  • State & Local Governments*
    • IT spending will reach $70 billion by 2010
    • Expected to reach $74 billion by fiscal 2012
  • Federal Agencies**
    • Spent $48 billion on IT in 2005
    • Expected to spend $64.7 billion on IT in fiscal 2007 - slight decrease from 2006.
*Source: CDWG
**Government Electronics and IT Association (GEIA)

As you know, federal agencies are required by Section 508 to procure accessible information and communication technology (ICT). While states are not directly covered by Section 508, many states have adopted similar laws or regulations that mandate the procurement of accessible ICT. Many educational institutions also use accessibility as a criterion for procurement of ICT.

Get more information about the “state of the states” for adopting Section 508-like legislation.

HP government sales teams are using accessibility as a differentiator when making bids to government agencies at the federal, state and local levels. Voluntary Product Accessibility Templates (VPATs) for most of HP’s products can be found online. Also, we encourage our sales professionals to learn more about your assistive technology solutions so we can be advocates for you with our customers.

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