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HP Assistive Technology Vendor News

August 2007

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HPATV Newsletter

HP is committed to developing products, services and information that are accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities or age-related limitations. A cornerstone of our commitment is our work with key assistive technology vendors – companies like yours – to bring innovative solutions to market. HP Assistive Technology Vendor News highlights how we can better work together for the benefit of our mutual customers.

In this issue

» CAP Wounded Service Member Initiative advocates assistive technology to service members in need
» Opportunities to sell AT products flourish in the Middle East
» The “age” of opportunity
» New and improved…for you! It’s the HP DSPP Web site
» Available through DSPP: Co-branded Collateral/Datasheet
» Is your company information up to date in the DSPP solution catalog?

CAP Wounded Service Member Initiative advocates assistive technology to service members in need

In the U.S., Public Law 109-364 allows wounded service members to retain assistive technology and services provided by the Computer/Electronics Assistance Program (CAP) upon separation from active service. CAP works closely with service members across the nation to ensure they receive appropriate assistive technology for their needs. Accommodations are available for service members with vision or hearing loss, dexterity impairments, including upper-extremity amputees, and communication and cognitive difficulties, including Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI).

Providers, service members, and family members can submit requests for CAP needs assessments aimed at determining the most appropriate assistive technology solution on a case-by-case basis.

This program represents a way for you to reach service members in need and let them know about the solutions you offer. For more information about the CAP Wounded Service Member Initiative and how you can introduce your products to this program, please contact Megan DuLaney at megan.dulaney@tma.osd.mil or (703) 681-6425.

Visit the CAP Wounded Service Members Website at www.tricare.mil/cap/wsm.

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Opportunities to sell AT products flourish in the Middle East

Nattiq Technologies is looking for more vendors to work with it in the Middle East. The company specializes in the value added distribution of products and training for blind people. The company believes there is an opportunity for more vendors to invest in this niche area and strengthen the channels to market for products aimed at visually impaired people.
Navy officers on ship

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HP Assistive Technology Vendor News is published by the HP Assistive Technology Vendor (HPATV) Program.   All rights reserved.

When a company joins the HP Developer & Solution Partner Program (DSPP) and chooses "Assistive Technology" as an application type in the company profile, it becomes a member of the HPATV program.  Members’ email addresses are registered with the Developer & Solution Partner Program to receive relevant communications, and they receive an e-mail copy of this newsletter.


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“Arab governments need to be more aware of, and invest in, their disabled. Currently blind people have to rely largely on the goodwill of others. At least vendors such as HP and Microsoft have social responsibility programs. We are looking for companies such as these to invest in and partner with us, so they can help us to bring the price of assistive products down and make technology more accessible to blind people,” said Auda Hazeem, CEO at Nattiq Technologies.

Read more about this opportunity to expand your market to the Middle East

Learn more about Nattiq Technologies

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The “age” of opportunity

Are you finding opportunity in serving the world’s aging population? Many assistive technology (AT) companies are. In developed countries all around the globe, the elderly represent a much higher percentage of the population than they did just a few decades ago. Consider these statistics from the Global Ageing Initiative:
  • For most of human history, until about a century ago, the elderly (people aged 65 and over) never amounted to more than 2 or 3 percent of the population. Today, in the developed world, they amount to 15 percent. By the year 2030, they will be around 25 percent.
  • As recently as 1980, the median age of the oldest society on earth (Sweden) was 36. By the year 2030, the median age of the entire developed world is projected to be 45. In much of southern and eastern Europe, it will be over 50.

As you know, AT can help the elderly as well as people with disabilities participate in the global information society. AT products that make computers easier to use encourage seniors to use their computers more for information gathering, entertainment, socializing, shopping and using other online services.

Many seniors have an active life online. What’s more, people over the age of 50 tend to have high disposable incomes, and they are not afraid to spend their money online, as one article on SuddenlySenior.com points out:

The United States “Mature Market”:

  • Is the most affluent of any age segment
  • Adults 50+ control a household net worth of $19 trillion
  • Owns more than three-fourths of the nation's financial wealth
  • Spends $7 billion online annually
  • Spends more than one trillion dollars on goods and services
  • Is the fastest growing segment on the Internet
  • Spends more time online than teenagers
  • 55+ households are the fastest growing user segment to embrace computer technology
  • 22 million adults 50+ are now online, representing 28% of the 50+ population
  • The bottom line: More seniors going online present a large opportunity to the companies that provide tools to make their online experience a good one.

HP is committed to technology that is accessible to people with disabilities and to this growing seniors market. We want to work with our assistive technology partners to bring useful solutions to market for this burgeoning target audience.

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New and improved…for you! It’s the HP DSPP Web site

Have you visited the Developer & Solution Partner Program Web site lately? There’s a whole new look to the site.

The HP DSPP is continually striving to improve upon the benefits and services we offer to you, our members. We also want to create a good user experience for you when you visit the DSPP Web site. Most of the site improvements revolved around making the site more user friendly for our members. For example, we improved the way search and navigation features work, and we streamlined the member registration process. We’d love to get your feedback on the changes we made, so please email us with your comments.

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Available through DSPP: Co-branded Collateral/Datasheet

As a member of the HP Developer and Solution Partner Program (DSPP), you have exclusive access to tools and services that can help you develop, market and sell your product in partnership with HP. For example, you now have an affordable means of producing a jointly branded datasheet. You determine the content you want, color scheme, and sizing. The completed collateral (datasheet) is delivered to you in electronic format so you can print on demand, or you can request the desired quantity of hardcopy printed datasheets be delivered to you. It's fast, it's simple, and best of all, it's inexpensive.

This collateral tool has been developed for use by DSPP members to assist in creating jointly branded (HP & DSPP member) datasheets for a base price of just $255 USD for electronic format. A simple series of steps will guide you through the collateral build and ordering process. If you are planning to attend a major trade show or sales event, you’ll want to learn more about the co-branded collateral tools.

Learn about the full range of services available to you through the HP DSPP.

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Is your company information up to date in the DSPP solution catalog?

HP promotes products and solutions from our partners through the DSPP Product and Solution catalog. Visitors to HP’s Web site can search through the catalog to find products that meet their computing needs.

Is your company information up to date in this catalog? Are all of your products listed? Please take the time to review your company information and update it if necessary. This ensures HP customers can find your solutions quickly and easily, increasing your sales potential. Catalog entries include a link to your Web site, and you may include additional information such as a product datasheet. The catalog showcases your company and solutions to HP customers, HP sales representatives, HP channel partners and other application and services partners; it is also publicly viewable.

Review/update your entry in the catalog.

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