Microsoft has chartered an initiative called the Accessibility Interoperability Alliance. Announced last December, the AIA is an engineering collaboration between assistive technology vendors, IT companies and key non-governmental organizations.
The group's goal is to enable developers to more easily create accessible software, hardware and Web-based products that will reduce barriers to information and communication technologies for people with disabilities. The AIA members also will collaborate on engineering projects to increase interoperability between existing technologies, deliver new technologies and work to create better developer guidelines, tools and technologies, and lower development costs.
The group initially will focus on four areas: Consistent keyboard access; interoperability of accessibility APIs; user interface automation extensions; and accessible rich Internet application suite mapping through user interface automation. Microsoft has committed to contribute its UI Automation specification to the AIA. This specification describes Microsoft's latest accessibility framework technology, and will help developers include advanced accessibility functionality into implementations designed for use on any operating system.
HP is one of the founding members of AIA. In addition to Microsoft, other companies that have committed to AIA from the start are software and solutions companies such as Adobe, BayFirst Solutions and Novell, and assistive technology companies such as Claro Software, Dolphin Computer Access, GW Micro, HiSoftware, Madentec, Texthelp Systems and QualiLife.
The AIA invites you to join and participate in furthering our objectives of interoperability among IT and AT products and services. Get an application for membership at the AIA Web site.
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HP will be at CSUN this again this year, and we hope to see you there. We will be sponsoring the CSUN Keynote Breakfast, Wednesday 12 March @ 730am in the Renaissance Hotel.
HP will also be demonstrating our new SeniorPC Offering in the EnableMart booth (Marriott Hotel Ballroom - booth #275 & 276.)
We will also have representatives from our HP Developer Solutions Partner Program (DSPP) available if you have any questions.
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Are you finding opportunities in the over-65 market? People who are affected by age-related limitations appreciate the benefits of assistive technologies that make their computers easier to use. What’s more, this is a market segment with the financial means to spend. According to the Federal Reserve-sponsored Survey of Consumer Finances, people aged 65 and older control one-fourth of the total personal net worth in the United States. That’s an aggregate net worth of $14.5 trillion.
HP has already partnered with several companies to deliver solutions aimed at the senior market. Two such solutions are the SeniorPC Offerings and the HP Printing Mailbox with Presto Service.
The SeniorPC is a computer packages tailored to the needs and interests of seniors. People can choose a desktop or notebook HP computer running Windows Vista and user-friendly software designed to help them manage their prescriptions, finances and household tasks, as well as puzzles and games to sharpen their memory. The SeniorPC packages come with an HP color printer and seniors can choose a larger keyboard or trackball mouse for easier typing and mouse pointing. A Spanish-language PC is also available.
The HP Printing Mailbox with Presto Service is designed for people who do not use a computer or are not online. Using any email account, family and friends can send email and photos to the HP Printing Mailbox user. The Presto Service converts regular email and photo attachments into Presto Mail—beautiful, easy-to-read color printouts that are automatically delivered to the HP Printing Mailbox on a daily schedule, just like letters. The solution uses a customized HP printer that is designed with low maintenance needs for the novice user.
If you have a product or solution that is well suited to the senior market, send an email with details about your offering to HPATV@hp.com . We’d like to feature your solution on the HP Web site.
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The HP Developer & Solution Partner Program has two new benefit offerings to help you gain attention for your company, products and services. The Google AdWords System delivers targeted advertising for immediate lead generation and sales. Co-branded merchandise puts your logo side-by-side with the HP logo for stronger brand recognition.
Google AdWords System – Targeted Google AdWords campaigns help you generate leads and sell more. With AdWords, you pitch only to those people who are actively searching for information about your company. You can offer free trial downloads, white papers, case studies or newsletter subscriptions. Or, sell them your application or product immediately. You can do it with just a few low-cost AdWords, and a landing page designed specifically for your target audience. This system – designed specifically for DSPP members – delivers immediate, measurable results at a fraction of the cost of print advertising. There are several AdWords packages to suit your budget and needs.
Get more information about Google AdWords System.
Co-branded Merchandise – Get your exclusive promotional and trade show items, co-branded with both your logo as well as HP’s logo. Discounts are offered on monthly specials. Now is the time to order promotional items for give-away at the March CSUN conference and exhibition!
Get more information about co-branded merchandise.
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DePaul University and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity just released the results of a multi-year study that helps dispel the myth of the high cost of workplace accommodation for people with disabilities. The purpose of the Economic Impact Study was to examine the economic costs and benefits of workers with disabilities within three sectors (healthcare, retail, and hospitality).
Overall, participants reported that the cost of accommodating workers with disabilities was minimal. Types of accommodations included stools for check out lanes, special lighting, computers with large print, and use of a sign language interpreter. According to the study, the average cost for workplace accommodation was $313, and the maximum cost was $1500. Despite minimal costs, participants expressed that some managers still fear that costs associated with accommodating workers with disabilities are high.
In addition, participants shared that there are numerous benefits to hiring people with disabilities. Among this group, participants noted low absenteeism rates and long tenures. They also described their employees with disabilities as loyal, reliable, and hardworking.
This study validates the importance of including the story of “low cost of accommodation for maximum company benefit” when marketing your assistive technology solutions to employers.
Read the entire Costs and Benefits of Workers with Disabilities report.
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Are you familiar with CAP, the United States Department of Defense (DoD) Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program? CAP was launched in 1990 as the centrally-funded, reasonable accommodations program for DoD employees with disabilities.
"The program is meant to cover a couple of specific populations; employees with disabilities working within DoD or in the 65 federal partner agencies we support, and our war-wounded active duty service members," says Dinah Cohen, CAP Director. CAP is there to make information more accessible to federal workers or service members with disabilities and remove roadblocks to employment opportunities. It supports people with cognitive or communication disabilities, people who are blind or have low vision, people who are deaf or hard of hearing, and people with dexterity disabilities.
Before purchasing the assistive technologies, CAP conducts a needs assessment to ensure the proper assistive devices and training are provided. The assessments are done on a case-by-case basis because disabilities are not "cookie cutter" conditions. The CAP staff looks at the individual, their job and possible solutions when conducting the assessment.
"By fulfilling the mission of providing real solutions for real needs, CAP is helping to make the Federal government the model employer for people with disabilities," said Cohen. Since its inception, CAP has filled over 61,000 requests for job accommodations and continues to grow every year. Fifty percent of users have some form of dexterity disabilities, 30 percent have visual disabilities and the other users are deaf or hard of hearing.
This program represents an opportunity for your company to have your products and solutions put into the hands of the federal employees who need accommodations. Learn more about the CAP program.
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According to the American Foundation for the Blind, an estimated 1.3 million Americans are legally blind. Horizons for the Blind estimates that 13 million Americans are visually impaired.
The National Association of the Deaf estimates that 28 million Americans are deaf or hard of hearing. They represent about 10% of all Americans.
The National Center for Deaf-Blind says that approximately 40,000 Americans are deaf-blind.
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