HP Envy 6120e All-in-One Printer (714L8B)

HP Envy 6120e All-in-One Printer (714L8B) Sve tehničke specifikacije

Print, copy, scan, mobile fax

izjava o odricanju odgovornosti za proizvode iz programa HP+

This is an HP+ enabled printer. Choose HP+ at product setup to activate benefits. HP+ requires an HP account, ongoing connection to the internet, and exclusive use of Original HP Ink cartridges for the life of the printer. More at: http://www.hp.com/plus-faq

Instant Ink

HP Instant Ink eligible (HP Instant Ink eligible. For more information visit https://www.hpinstantink.com .)

Brzina crno-bijelog ispisa (ISO)

Up to 10 ppm *

Brzina crno-bijelog ispisa (skica, A4)

Up to 20 ppm *

Brzina crno-bijelog ispisa (ISO, A4)

Up to 10 ppm *

Brzina ispisa u boji (ISO)

Up to 7 ppm *

Brzina ispisa u boji (skica, A4)

Up to 17 ppm *

Brzina ispisa u boji (ISO)

Up to 7 ppm *

Prva ispisana stranica, crno-bijelo (letter, stanje spremnosti)


Prva crno-bijela ispisana stranica (A4, spremnost)

As fast as 19 sec (n/a)

Prva ispisana stranica u boji (letter, stanje spremnosti)


Prva ispisana stranica u boji (A4, spremnost)

As fast as 22 sec (n/a)

Obostrani ispis


Kapacitet (mjesečno, letter)

Up to 1000 pagesUp to 1000 pages *  (Duty cycle is the maximum number of pages that can be printed in a month, but this page volume is not recommended on an ongoing basis.)

Kapacitet (mjesečno, A4)

Up to 1000 pages * (Duty cycle is the maximum number of pages that can be printed in a month, but this page volume is not recommended on an ongoing basis.)

Preporučena mjesečna količina u stranicama

100 to 400 * (HP recommends the number of pages printed not exceed the recommended monthly page volume for optimum device performance.)

Kvaliteta crno-bijelog ispisa (najviša)

Up to 1200X 1200 rendered dpi (when Printing from a computer)

Kvaliteta ispisa u boji (najveća)

Up to 4800 x 1200 optimized dpi color (when printing from a computer on selected HP photo papers and 1200 input dpi)

Jezici ispisa

HP PCL 3 GUI; HP PCLm (HP Apps/UPD); PJL (Printer Job Language); URF (AirPrint)

Tehnologija ispisa

HP Thermal Inkjet

Povezivost, standardna

1 Hi-Speed USB 2.0 (device); 1 Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g/n/ac, dual band

Mogućnost ispisa s mobilnih uređaja

HP app; Apple AirPrint; Chrome OS; HP Print Service Plugin (Android printing); Mopria-certified; Mopria Print Service *

Mrežne mogućnosti

Built-in Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g/n/ac

Mogućnost bežične veze

Yes, Built-in Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g/n/ac

Bežične tehnologije

802.11a/b/g/n/ac; Wi-Fi®

Minimalni sistemski preduvjeti za Macintosh

macOS 12 Monterey; macOS 13 Ventura; macOS 14 Sonoma; macOS 15 Sequoia; 2 GB HD; Internet required

Minimalni sistemski preduvjeti

Microsoft Windows 11, 10: 32-bit or 64-bit, 2 GB available hard disk space, Internet connection, Microsfot Internet Explorer or Edge.

Standardne značajke digitalnog slanja

Everyday scan (scan to PDF); Scan to email; Scan to email (from software); Scan to email (PDF, JPG); Scan to email (via printer control app); Scan to file (from software); Scan to file (PDF, JPG); Scan to PC; Scan to PC (PDF, JPG); Scan to HP Cloud


2.4" Diagonal Color Capacitive Touchscreen (320 x 240)

Brzina procesora

800 MHz

Maksimalna memorija

256 MB DDR3


256 MB DDR3

Kompatibilni operacijski sustavi

Windows 11; Windows 10; macOS 12 Monterey; macOS 13 Ventura; macOS 14 Sonoma; macOS 15 Sequoia; Linux (Windows 10 (32-bit and 64-bit), Windows 11 (32-bit and 64-bit); Mac OS 12, 13 & 14; Linux (For more information, see http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/index.html))

Ulazni kapacitet za papir, standardni

Up to 100 sheets input tray

Izlazni kapacitet za papir, standardni

25-sheet output tray

Vrste medija

Plain Paper; HP Photo Papers; HP Matte Brochure or Professional Paper; HP Matte Presentation Paper; HP Glossy Brochure or Professional Paper; Other Photo Inkjet Papers; Other Matte Inkjet Papers; Other Glossy Inkjet Papers; Plain Paper, Light/Recycled

Podržane veličine medija

A4; A5; B5; DL envelope; C6 envelope, A6, 10 x 15 cm

Veličine medija, prilagođene

Simplex: 76.2 x 127 mm to 216 x 304.8 mm; Duplex: 76.2 x 127 mm to 216 x 297 mm

Ispis bez rubova

Yes (up to 8.5 x 12 in, 216 x 305mm)

Masa medija, preporučena

75 g/m²

Podržani format datoteke


Vrsta skenera


Oblik skenirane datoteke


Poboljšana razlučivost skeniranja

Up to 1200 dpi

Razlučivost skeniranja, optička

Up to 1200 dpi

Razlučivost skeniranja, hardver

Up to 1200 x 1200 dpi

Veličina skeniranog dokumenta, maksimalna

216 x 297 mm

Tehnologija skeniranja


Brzina crno-bijelog kopiranja (ISO)

Up to 8 cpm *

Brzina kopiranja u boji (ISO)

Up to 3.5 cpm *

Razlučivost kopiranja (crno-bijeli tekst)

Up to 300 x 300 dpi

Razlučivost kopiranja (tekst i grafika u boji)

300 x 300 dpi

Razlučivost kopiranja (crno-bijela grafika)

Up to 300 x 300 dpi

Kopije, maksimalno

Up to 99 copies

Postavke smanjivanja/povećavanja pri kopiranju

Via HP app

Postavke kopirnog uređaja

Color, mono


Yes, mobile fax (send only)

Potrošnja električne energije

4.25 Watts (Ready); 1.90 Watts (Sleep); 0.175 Watts (Off) * (Power requirements are based on the country/region where the printer is sold. Do not convert operating voltages. This will damage the printer and void the product warranty.)


Input voltage (WW): 100 to 240 VAC (+/- 10%), 50/60 Hz, 700mA. Input voltage (India): 200 to 240 VAC (+/- 10%), 50/60Hz (+/- 3Hz), 400mA

Raspon vlage tijekom rada

20 to 80% RH (non-condensing)

Preporučeni raspon vlažnosti zraka za rad uređaja

25 to 75% RH

Raspon vlage tijekom mirovanja

5 to 90% RH (non-condensing)

Raspon radne temperature

5 to 40°C

Raspon radne temperature

41 to 104°F

Sukladno normi Blue Angel

No; Please refer to the ECI document

Ekološke oznake

IT ECO Declaration

Ispunjava specifikacije standarda Energy Star



EN 60950-1:2006 +A11:2009 +A1:2010 +A12:2011 +A2:2013 IEC 60950-1:2005 +A1:2009 +A2:2013 EN 62368-1:2014+A11:2017 IEC 62368-1:2014 EN 62479:2010 EN 62311:2008

Upravljanje sigurnošću


Minimalne dimenzije (Š x D x V)

433 x 361 x 136 mm *

Maksimalne dimenzije (Š x D x V)

433 x 513 x 136 mm *  


5.13 kg

Boja proizvoda


Sadržaj pakiranja

HP Envy 6120e All-in-One Printer; HP 308 Setup Black Cartridge; HP 308 Setup Tri-Color Cartridge; Regulatory flyer; Setup guide; Reference guide; Power cord

Ispisnih uložaka / bočica, broj

2 (1 each black, tri-color)

Zamjenski ispisni ulošci

HP 308 Black Original Ink Cartridge (~160 pages yield) 7FP21UE; HP 308 Tri-Color Original Ink Cartridge 7FP20UE (~120 pages yield); HP 308e EvoMore Black Original Ink Cartridge (~320 pages yield) 7FP22UE (Actual yield varies considerably based on content of printed pages and other factors. For details see http://www.hp.com/go/learnaboutsupplies .)

Jamstvo proizvođača

One-Year limited hardware warranty with option to extend to two-years with acceptance of HP+ Offer. For more info please visit us at http://support.hp.com .