Rated 1 out of
5 by
Camel from
HP Setup bluesSpent four hours trying to get printer to join home Wi Fi. No joy
Date published: 2022-02-02
Rated 3 out of
5 by
Anonymous from
No good respondPrinter wireless no function.
The printer is very slowly starting.
The printer many times not respond to the printer task from my laptop Mac OS
Printer Laser 107a is 'PCL 5 and/or 6' compatible?
Asked by: Gaspar
Hello Gaspar,
Thank you for showing interest in HP.
Unfortunately, Printer Laser 107A is not compatible to PCL 5 or PCL 6.
HP LaserJet Pro 400 M401dne Printer is compatible for PCL 5 and 6.
Thank you,
HP Support Team
Answered by: HP Support Team
Date published: 2024-07-29
Printer HP Laser 107a is 'PCL 5 and/or 6' compatible?
Asked by: Gaspar
Hello Gaspar,
Thank you for showing interest in HP.
Unfortunately, Printer Laser 107A is not compatible to PCL 5 or PCL 6.
HP LaserJet Pro 400 M401dne Printer is compatible for PCL 5 and 6.
Thank you,
HP Support Team