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  1. Top 4 Most Rugged Laptops from HP

    Top 4 most rugged laptops from HP

    The first digital computers were huge, clunky machines. A single model was large enough to fill nearly half a room. In those days, it must have been hard to imagine compressing such a machine to a size small enough to fit in your lap.

    So let’s take a moment and show some appreciation for the modern laptop - that you can bring it to and from the office, that you can carry it to the coffee shop, that you can take it with you on your travels.

    Nowadays, many laptops are just as powerful as their desktop counterparts. They have muscle processors, stunning displays, and large storage capacities. Laptop specs have gotten so advanced that it’s too easy to forget about the principal allure of a laptop computer - portability.

    If you own a laptop, you’ll probably take it out into the big wide world at some point. And if you’re going to take it out into the big

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  2. 10 Best HP Laptops for Data Science and Data Analysis

    10 Best HP Laptops for Data Science and Data Analysis
    Picking the best laptop for data science is a crucial choice for your future. This list of the 10 best HP laptops for data science and data analysis has the right picks for students, entry-level applicants, and seasoned data-busting pros.
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  3. Best HP Desktop Computer for Coding and Programming

    Best HP Desktop Computer for Coding and Programming
    Whether you are an advanced programmer with years of experience or just beginning your career, you must have the proper tools for your job. And that starts with the right computer. To help you find the best PC for programming, we’ll explain the essential components you’ll want to include, and then provide a list of the top available options from HP. 
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  4. 5 Best HP Laptops for Graphic Design

    Best HP Laptops for Graphic Design

    To create images that have the impact you want as a graphic designer, you need a laptop with high computing power that can handle multiple functions. And when you’re searching for good laptops for graphic design, you have every right to be picky.

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  5. 7 Best Laptops for Photoshop from HP

    7 Best HP Laptops for Photoshop
    Finding the best laptop for Photoshop is vital for photographers, graphic designers, and web developers because of their distinct computing needs. The wrong choice can cause a lot of teeth-grinding as your computer slogs through laggy latency issues.
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  6. 5 Best Work From Home Computers by HP

    5 Best Work From Home Computers by HP
    Remote work has become an increasingly popular option and more companies offering flexible work options, you need to make sure you have the best home PC. There are a number of great HP computers suited for this purpose, from powerful laptops to streamlined workstations.
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  7. Best HP Laptops for Video Editing

    Best HP Laptops for Video Editing
    If you want to create quality video content, you already know that you require a different level of power from your laptop than the average user. With the variety that HP® offers, you’re likely to find a device that can create videos that you are proud to share with the world.
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  8. 7 Best HP Core i5 Laptops

    7 Best HP Core i5 Laptops

    One of the most important decisions you face when buying a laptop is the central processing unit, or CPU. Intel® Core processors are a popular choice for good reason. The Intel Core i5 represents a balance perfect between price and quality, and can be found in a wide range of HP laptops.

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