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Detection Product

Detect my products

HP Customer Support product identification

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Follow the instructions below to install and run HP products detection using the HP Support Solutions Framework.

Instructions Instructions:

  1. Click “HP support solutions…msi” in the lower left corner of the browser window.
  2. If user account control appears click, Yes to install the framework.
  3. Click Next to close this window and begin detecting HP products.
Once installed, click next to run the product detect.

HP is identifying your products, please wait.

Please note:  To be detectable, products must be powered on and connected wirelessly or via USB.

HP could not identify your products

If you don't see the products you expected, try running the detection tool again.

HP could not identify your products

We're sorry. An error has occurred and the system has timed out. Wait a minute and try again.

HP has identified your device

If you don't see the products you expected, try running the detection tool again.
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