Tinggalkan produk favorit Anda tersimpan tanpa komitmen. Opsi membandingkan dengan mudah, tunggu hingga gajian, atau bagikan ke teman. Simpan barang dengan akses mudah kapanpun Anda siap. Selamat berbelanja!
3. Cetak dari ponsel pintar menggunakan Wifi Direct
*Hanya untuk produk tertentu
Super simpel
Cetak secara otomatis proyek dalam multi-ukuran A3/B dan A1/D, tanpa mengalihkan sumber media secara manual.
Sesuai dengan cara kerja Anda
Tak perlu menunggu di sisi printer berkat pencetakan berkecepatan tinggi secepat 25 detik per plot A1/D.
Sesuai dengan kantor dan anggaran Anda
Hemat ruang dengan plotter terkecil di dunia yang dirancang agar sesuai dengan kantor Anda, sudah termasuk dudukan bawaan.*
Selangkah Lebih Maju.
Dilengkapi dengan perangkat lunak dan fitur evolusioner terbaru untuk meningkatkan pengalaman, performa, bisnis Anda, serta untuk menciptakan perubahan yang positif.
Tinta & Toner Asli HP
Temukan kartrid yang kompatibel bagi printer Anda guna mendapatkan hasil menakjubkan serta cetakan berkualitas tinggi.
Dampak Berkelanjutan HP menciptakan perubahan positif yang nyata bagi bumi, karyawan kita, dan komunitas tempat kita tinggal, bekerja, dan menjalankan bisnis.
Take The Next Step
The latest evolutionary software and features in HP Products
to better your experience, performance, businesses and to create positive change.
HP Original Ink & Toner
Find compatible cartridges for your printer to get impressive results and high-quality prints.
Dynamic security enabled printer. Only intended to be used with cartridges using an HP original chip. Cartridges using a non-HP chip may not work, and those that work today may not work in the future.
Sheet feed, Roll feed, Automatic Sheet Feeder, Media Bin, Automatic Horizontal Cutter
Resolusi Cetak
Print quality color (best)
Up to 2400 x 1200 optimized dpi
Media Percetakan yang Didukung
Media sizes supported
A4, A3, A2, A1
Media sizes, custom
Auto sheet feeder: 210 x 279 to 330 x 482 mm; manual feed: 210 x 279 to 610 x 1897 mm
Media types
Bond and coated paper (bond, coated, heavyweight coated, plain, bright white, blueprint), technical paper (natural tracing), film (clear, matte), photographic paper (satin, gloss, semigloss, polypropylene), self-adhesive (adhesive, polypropylene)
Media weight, recommended
60 to 280 g/mĀ² (roll/manual feed); 60 to 220 g/mĀ² (auto sheet feeder)
1 GB
Battery And Power
Power Consumption Description
<35 W (printing), <5.6 W (ready), <2.1 W (sleep), <0.2 W (standby)
ENERGY STARĀ® certified
Software And Applications
Software included
HP Click, HP Smart app, HP Print Preview for Windows, HP Easy Start, HP DesignJet Utility for Windows, HP Support Assistant
3 Year Limited Warranty (Next Business Day On-Site)
Box Contents
Apa yang ada di dalam kotak
HP DesignJet T650 24-in Printer, printer stand, automatic sheet feeder, roll cover, printhead, introductory ink cartridges, spindle, quick reference guide, setup poster, power cord
Special offers
Tebus Murah dan hemat hingga 20%
Item Purchase-With-Purchase
Dapatkan potongan 50% aksesoris dengan pembelian PC disini
Dapatkan potongan 20% monitor dengan pembelian PC disini
Dapatkan potongan 20% printer dengan pembelian PC disini
Promo ini hanya berlaku untuk pembelian Laptop dan Desktop.
Diskon akan otomatis di terapkan pada Checkout.
Berlaku untuk semua aksesoris, printer atau monitor dari dibawah menu āDisarankanā atau tambahkan langsung pada keranjang anda.
Lihat lebih banyak
Rated 4 out of
5 by
Rinaldi from
Overall performanceA bit too long for printing large files, and even after printing stops in the middle several times “ buffering “. Print quality is very good though. Connectivity is also good. The ink supplies are really hard to get.
[1] The HP DesignJet T600 Printer series and the HP DesignJet Studio Printer series are the only solutions providing seamless printing of both large- and small-format sheets automatically in a multi-size print basket compared to competitive alternatives with comparable size and features as of January, 2020.
[2] Based on HP internal testing, January 2020, comparing the HP DesignJet T200 Printer, that uses the same ink and print mode as the HP DesignJet T600 Printer series, and Canon TM-200 and TM-300 Printers in terms of ink used during routine printhead cleanings.
[3] HP DesignJet T650 36-in series printers are up to 17% smaller compared to competitive alternatives with comparable size and features as of January, 2020. The world's smallest large-format plotters based on most compact footprint.
[4] One-click printing with HP Click software. Applicable to PDF, JPEG, TIFF, DWF, and HP-GL/2 files.
[5] More sustainable design compared to the previous printer models (HP DesignJet T500 Printer series) replaced with the HP DesignJet T600 Printer series. Based on calculations in accordance with ISO 14040/14044 Life Cycle Assessments using ReCiPe (H) v. 1.1 (2016) on GaBi 8.5 (2018) software and scaled to reflect expected yearly sales.
[1] Mechanical printing time. Printed in Fast mode with Economode on, using HP Bright White Inkjet Paper (bond) and Original HP inks. Actual performance may vary based on a variety of conditions, including but not limited to network configuration.
[2] Calculation done taking into account two normal printhead cleanings and ink on an A1/D CAD drawing with black and color lines and a pixel coverage of 5.2%.
[3] Ā±0.1% of the specified vector length or Ā±0.2 mm (whichever greater) at 23ĀŗC (73ĀŗF),Ā 50-60% relative humidity, on A0/E printing material in Best or Normal mode with HP Heavyweight Coated roll feed and Original HP inks.
[4] With HP Premium Instant Dry Photo Gloss media with Original HP inks.
[5] BMG trademark license code FSCĀ®-C115319, see http://www.fsc.org. HP trademark license code FSCĀ®-C017543, see http://www.fsc.org.
[6] Can be recycled through commonly available recycling programs.
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