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HP ProBook 440 14 inch G11 Business Laptop Wolf Pro Security Edition, Silver
Rp  22.000.000
HEMAT Rp  4.400.000
Rp  17.600.000
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Rp  2.933.333*
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Tambahkan dan Hemat sampai dengan 50%
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Best Seller / Paling Populer

HP ProBook 440 14 inch G11 Business Laptop Wolf Pro Security Edition, Silver

Performance to stay productive from anywhere
  • Free HP Prelude 15.6" Top Load Case (1E7D7AA)
Tidak menemukan yang Anda cari?


Free HP Prelude 15.6" Top Load Case (1E7D7AA)
Rp  22.000.000 HEMATRp  4.400.000 (20%)
Rp  17.600.000
Hemat: Rp  4.400.000 (20%)
Cicilan dari 
Rp  2.933.333*
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3mths 6mths
Rp  5.866.667 Rp  2.933.333
Rp  5.866.667 Rp  2.933.333
Rp  5.866.667 Rp  3.009.600
*These computations are estimates. Minimum spend and other fees may apply. Info lebih lanjut
Termasuk Garansi Standard
3 year (3/3/3) limited warranty includes 3 years of parts, labor and on-site repair. Terms and conditions vary by country. Certain restrictions and exclusions apply.
Tentukan Pilihan Anda
    HP Care Pack(0) Info lebih lanjut
  • 3 year (3/3/3) limited warranty includes 3 years of parts, labor and on-site repair. Terms and conditions vary by country. Certain restrictions and exclusions apply.
Opsi Pembayaran Aman Tersedia -Lebih Lanjut

Pengiriman Gratis & Cepat* -Pelajari Lebih Lanjut
Jaminan Pencocokan Harga - Lebih Lanjut
Keadaan Pengiriman
Periksa ketersediaan di wilayah Anda dengan memasukkan kode pos Anda

PC Notebook HP ProBook 400 G11 Series

Keandalan, gaya, dan manfaat bagi bisnis
yang sedang berkembang.

Equip your teams with a secure, easy-to-manage, AI-enhanced PC featuring simplified collaboration tools to boost productivity, even in hybrid settings.

  • Maksimalkan kinerja dengan prosesor terbaru
  • Desain tipis dan ringan untuk mendukung produktivitas kapan saja dan di mana saja
  • Tombol Microsoft Copilot terintegrasi yang menempatkan asisten AI di ujung jari Anda
  • Pengalaman audio & video yang ditingkatkan oleh Poly Studio

Capai lebih banyak dalam waktu lebih singkat dengan kekuatan AI

Tombol Microsoft Copilot

Rasakan bantuan AI ada di ujung jari Anda dengan tombol Microsoft Copilot Terintegrasi sekali sentuh.

Dirancang untuk produktivitas hybrid

Dengan tampilan rasio aspek 16:10, dapatkan pengalaman menggunakan layar besar dengan desain ringkas dan modern untuk meningkatkan produktivitas, baik saat bekerja di rumah maupun di kantor.

Jalin koneksi yang penting

Perlihatkan diri Anda dengan jelas kepada penonton berkat kamera IR opsional 5 MP hybrid yang siap digunakan*. Nikmati audio super bening yang disetel oleh Poly Studio dan Peredam Kebisingan berbasis AI*.

Bekerja lebih lama, mengisi daya lebih cepat

Jalani rapat seharian penuh dengan baterai 56 Watt-jam, dan isi ulang dengan cepat menggunakan HP Fast Charge yang mampu mengisi hingga 50% hanya dalam 30 menit.

PC yang aman, planet yang aman

Perlindungan dan daya tahan PC yang tahan banting

Lindungi data dan informasi pribadi Anda dari ancaman dunia maya yang tidak diinginkan dengan fitur dan alat keamanan yang tangguh. HP menjalani pengujian ketat untuk memenuhi atau melampaui standar ketahanan perangkat keras dan sistem.*

Membantu melindungi masa depan kita bersama

Desain yang bertanggung jawab dilengkapi dengan keycap tanpa lampu latar yang terbuat dari plastik daur ulang pascakonsumen* (PCR) dan polistiren berjenis ocean-bound*. Keycap dengan lampu latar opsional juga mengandung plastik PCR*.

• Fitur dan perangkat lunak yang memerlukan NPU mungkin memerlukan pembelian, langganan, atau pengaktifan perangkat lunak oleh penyedia perangkat lunak atau platform, sedangkan perangkat lunak pihak ketiga mungkin memiliki persyaratan konfigurasi atau kompatibilitas khusus. Performa berbeda-beda menurut penggunaan, konfigurasi, serta faktor lainnya.

• Tidak semua fitur tersedia di semua edisi atau versi Windows. Agar dapat memanfaatkan semua fungsi Windows, sistem mungkin membutuhkan perangkat keras, driver, serta perangkat lunak yang ditingkatkan dan/atau dibeli terpisah, atau pembaruan BIOS. Windows secara otomatis diperbarui dan diaktifkan. Diperlukan internet berkecepatan tinggi dan akun Microsoft. Untuk mendapatkan pembaruan, biaya ISP dan persyaratan tambahan mungkin berlaku seiring waktu. Kunjungi

• Multicore dirancang untuk menyempurnakan performa beberapa produk perangkat lunak tertentu. Tidak semua pelanggan atau aplikasi perangkat lunak akan mendapat manfaat langsung dari penggunaan teknologi ini. Kinerja dan frekuensi clock dapat berbeda-beda, tergantung pada beban kerja aplikasi serta konfigurasi perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak Anda. Pemberian nomor, merek, dan/atau nama Intel bukanlah tolok ukur performa yang lebih baik.

• Fitur opsional yang harus dikonfigurasikan pada saat membeli.

• HP Wolf Security for Business memerlukan Windows 10 atau yang lebih baru, menyertakan berbagai fitur keamanan HP serta tersedia di produk HP Pro, Elite, Workstation, dan RPOS. Lihat detail produk untuk fitur keamanan yang disertakan.

• Pengujian MIL-STD tidak ditujukan untuk menunjukkan kesesuaian dengan persyaratan kontrak Departemen Pertahanan AS atau untuk penggunaan di bidang militer. Hasil pengujian bukanlah jaminan performa di masa mendatang yang dilakukan mengikuti ketentuan pengujian ini. Kerusakan akibat kecelakaan memerlukan HP Accidental Damage Protection Care Service opsional.

• Mengisi ulang daya hingga 50% dalam waktu 30 menit saat sistem dalam kondisi mati atau dalam mode siaga, saat digunakan dengan adaptor daya yang disertakan bersama notebook. Adaptor daya minimal 65 watt diperlukan untuk kapasitas baterai 56 Watt-jam atau kurang. Adaptor daya minimal 100 watt diperlukan untuk kapasitas baterai lebih besar dari 56 Watt-jam dan kurang dari 83 Watt-jam. Adaptor daya minimal 120 watt diperlukan untuk kapasitas baterai lebih besar dari 83 Watt-jam dan kurang dari 100 Watt-jam. Setelah kapasitas daya 90% tercapai, kecepatan pengisian daya akan kembali normal. Waktu pengisian daya dapat bervariasi +/-10% sehubungan dengan adanya toleransi Sistem.10. Kemasan kotak luar dan bantalan bergelombang sepenuhnya terbuat dari serat bersertifikat dan daur ulang dari sumber yang berkelanjutan.

• Berlaku untuk PC, Workstation, dan Layar HP yang diproduksi setelah Januari 2019. Berdasarkan sebagian besar registrasi EPEAT® Gold dan Silver (termasuk Climate+) dan menurut IEEE 1680.1-2018 EPEAT®. Status berbeda-beda di tiap negara. Kunjungi untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

• Persentase bahan daur ulang berbeda-beda, tergantung produknya.

• Untuk sistem yang dikonfigurasi dengan memori lebih dari 3 GB dan sistem operasi 32 bit, semua memori mungkin tidak tersedia sehubungan dengan persyaratan sumber daya sistem. Penggunaan memori di atas 4 GB membutuhkan sistem operasi 64 bit. Modul memori mendukung kecepatan transfer data hingga 2666 Mt/dtk, 2933 MT/dtk, atau 3200 MT/dtk, tergantung konfigurasi prosesornya; dengan 1 DIMM per saluran. Pemuatan DIMM tambahan pada setiap saluran dapat memengaruhi kecepatan memori maksimum. Kecepatan data yang sebenarnya ditentukan oleh sistem yang dikonfigurasi; Lihat spesifikasi prosesor untuk mengetahui kecepatan data memori yang didukung.

• Memerlukan Windows 10 atau yang lebih tinggi serta penyiapan pengenalan wajah melalui Windows Hello.

• Berat sebenarnya dapat berbeda-beda, tergantung konfigurasinya. Tidak termasuk adaptor daya.

• Pembaruan Firmware Tanpa Hambatan (Ver 1.0) didukung pada Notebook HP tertentu yang dibekali Prosesor Intel.

• Copilot di Windows memerlukan Windows 11. Beberapa fitur memerlukan NPU. Waktu pengiriman dan ketersediaan fitur berbeda-beda menurut pasar dan perangkatnya. Membutuhkan akun Microsoft untuk login. Jika Microsoft di Windows tidak tersedia, kunci Copilot akan mengarah ke mesin pencari Bing. Kunjungi

• HP Power Manager memerlukan Windows 10 atau lebih tinggi dan dapat diunduh dari Microsoft Store.

• Pengujian MIL-STD tidak ditujukan untuk menunjukkan kesesuaian dengan persyaratan kontrak Departemen Pertahanan AS atau untuk penggunaan di bidang militer. Hasil pengujian bukanlah jaminan performa di masa mendatang yang dilakukan mengikuti ketentuan pengujian ini. Kerusakan akibat kecelakaan memerlukan HP Accidental Damage Protection Care Pack opsional.

• Firmware TPM (TPM 2.0) disertakan. TPM (TPM 2.0) Terpisah tersedia pada model tertentu dan memerlukan konfigurasi pada saat pembelian.

Selangkah Lebih Maju

Dilengkapi dengan perangkat lunak dan fitur evolusioner terbaru untuk meningkatkan pengalaman, performa, bisnis Anda, serta untuk menciptakan perubahan yang positif.

Laptop HP

Lihat berbagai macam laptop 2-in-1, notebook bisnis, laptop gaming, dan produk kami yang lain.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Dampak Berkelanjutan

Dampak Berkelanjutan HP menciptakan perubahan positif yang nyata bagi bumi, karyawan kita, dan komunitas tempat kita tinggal, bekerja, dan menjalankan bisnis.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Selangkah Lebih Maju.

Dilengkapi dengan perangkat lunak dan fitur evolusioner terbaru untuk meningkatkan pengalaman, performa, bisnis Anda, serta untuk menciptakan perubahan yang positif.

Laptop HP

Lihat berbagai macam laptop 2-in-1, notebook bisnis, laptop gaming, dan produk kami yang lain.

Info Selengkapnya

Dampak Berkelanjutan

Dampak Berkelanjutan HP menciptakan perubahan positif yang nyata bagi bumi, karyawan kita, dan komunitas tempat kita tinggal, bekerja, dan menjalankan bisnis.

Disesuaikan untuk bisnis anda

Tahukah Anda bahwa HP dapat menyesuaikan Laptop ini atau Laptop lain untuk bisnis Anda? Sesuaikan spesifikasi, sistem operasi, dan lainnya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bisnis Anda.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

HP Advantage untuk Bisnis

Dapatkan akses ke solusi bisnis eksklusif, layanan, dan penawaran untuk membantu bisnis Anda berkembang.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Disesuaikan untuk bisnis Anda

Tahukah Anda bahwa HP dapat menyesuaikan Laptop ini atau Laptop lain untuk bisnis Anda? Sesuaikan spesifikasi, sistem operasi, dan lainnya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bisnis Anda.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

HP Advantage untuk Bisnis

Dapatkan akses ke solusi bisnis eksklusif, layanan, dan penawaran untuk membantu bisnis Anda berkembang.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut


Windows 11

Work anywhere without compromising on performance or security with Windows 11 powered by HP's collaboration and connectivity technology.

Latest Intel® multi-core processor

Configure your HP ProBook CPU for the perfect combination of power, snappy performance, and value. The latest Intel® processor handles multiple work tasks smoothly and reliably with multiple processing cores to divide up the work.

Security is your top priority

The HP Wolf Pro Security Edition provides preconfigured enterprise-level PC protection for small and medium sized businesses.

Fast and efficient wireless LAN

The portability of your PC and the reliability of a fast connection determines where you can work. Get a fast and reliable connection in dense wireless environments with gigabit-speed Wi-Fi 6.

Browse confidently

Help protect your PC from websites and read only Microsoft Office and PDF attachments with embedded malware, ransomware, or viruses with hardware-enforced security from HP Sure Click.

HP Sure Sense

Malware is evolving rapidly and traditional antivirus can’t always recognize new attacks. Protect your PC against never-before-seen attacks with HP Sure Sense, which uses deep learning AI to provide exceptional protection against advanced malware.

Automatic recovery from firmware attacks

Firmware attacks can completely devastate your PC. Stay protected with HP’s self-healing BIOS - HP Sure Start Gen7 automatically recovers the BIOS from malware, rootkits, or corruption.

Work without interruption

Keep productivity high and downtime low with the fully integrated and automated features of the HP BIOSphere Gen6 firmware ecosystem. Your PCs have extra protection thanks to automatic updates and security checks.

Speed up the basics of IT management

The HP Manageability Integration Kit helps speed up image creation and management of hardware, BIOS, and security through Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager.



Operating system

Windows 11 Pro


Intel® Core™ Ultra 5 125U (up to 4.3 GHz with Intel® Turbo Boost Technology, 12 MB L3 cache, 12 cores, 14 threads)


2 USB Type-C® 20Gbps signaling rate (USB Power Delivery, DisplayPort™ 1.4, HP Sleep and Charge); 2 USB Type-A 5Gbps signaling rate (1 charging, 1 power); 1 HDMI 2.1; 1 stereo headphone/microphone combo jack; 1 RJ-45


Intel® Graphics


14" diagonal, WUXGA (1920 x 1200), IPS, narrow bezel, anti-glare, 300 nits, 45% NTSC

Memory and storage

16 GB memory; 512 GB SSD storage


Special offers

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Item Purchase-With-Purchase
Dapatkan potongan 50% aksesoris dengan pembelian PC disini
Dapatkan potongan 20% monitor dengan pembelian PC disini
Dapatkan potongan 20% printer dengan pembelian PC disini

  • Promo ini hanya berlaku untuk pembelian Laptop dan Desktop.
  • Diskon akan otomatis di terapkan pada Checkout.
  • Berlaku untuk semua aksesoris, printer atau monitor dari dibawah menu “Disarankan” atau tambahkan langsung pada keranjang anda.
Lihat lebih banyak
  • Free HP Prelude 15.6" Top Load Case (1E7D7AA)


  • bvseo_sdk, p_sdk, 3.2.1
  • CLOUD, getReviews, 491.24ms
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Driver, Manual & Dukungan

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  • [2] Multicore is designed to improve performance of certain software products. Not all customers or software applications will necessarily benefit from use of this technology. Performance and clock frequency will vary depending on application workload and your hardware and software configurations. Intel’s numbering, branding and/or naming is not a measurement of higher performance.
  • [4] HP Wolf Pro Security Edition is available preloaded on select SKUs, and, depending on the HP product purchased, includes a license with a term length communicated to you at purchase and in your order confirmation email. The HP Wolf Pro Security Edition software is licensed under the license terms of the HP Wolf Security Software - End-User license Agreement (EULA) that can be found at: as that EULA is modified by the following: 7. Term. Unless otherwise terminated earlier pursuant to the terms contained in this EULA, the license for the HP Wolf Pro Security Edition is effective upon 4 months after the date the HP Product was shipped by HP and will continue for the term communicated to you at purchase and in your order confirmation email (“Initial Term”). At the end of the Initial Term you may either (a) purchase a renewal license for the HP Wolf Pro Security Edition from, HP Sales or an HP Channel Partner, or (b) continue using the standard versions of HP Sure Click and HP Sure Sense at no additional cost with no future software updates or HP Support. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the license shall expire no later than one year after the fixed term of the subject license ends.
  • [6] 100% outer box packaging and corrugated cushions made from sustainably sourced certified and recycled fibers.


  • [2] Multicore is designed to improve performance of certain software products. Not all customers or software applications will necessarily benefit from use of this technology. Performance and clock frequency will vary depending on application workload and your hardware and software configurations. Intel’s numbering, branding and/or naming is not a measurement of higher performance.
  • [3] Processor speed denotes maximum performance mode; processors will run at lower speeds in battery optimization mode.
  • [4] Intel® Turbo Boost performance varies depending on hardware, software and overall system configuration. See for more information.
  • [5] Features and software that require a NPU may require may require software purchase, subscription or enablement by a software or platform provider, and third party software may have specific configuration or compatibility requirements. Performance varies by use, configuration, and other factors.
  • [6] Multi-core is designed to improve performance of certain software products. Not all customers or software applications will necessarily benefit from use of this technology. Performance and clock frequency will vary depending on application workload and your hardware and software configurations. Intel’s numbering, branding and/or naming is not a measurement of higher performance.
  • [7] Intel® Turbo Boost performance varies depending on hardware, software and overall system configuration. See for more information.
  • [8] Wi-Fi 6E requires a Wi-Fi 6E router, and Windows 11, to function in the 6GHz band. Availability of public wireless access points limited. Wi-Fi 6E is backwards compatible with prior 802.11 specs. And available in countries where Wi-Fi 6E is supported.
  • [9] WWAN is an optional feature, requires factory configuration and separately purchased service contract. Check with service provider for coverage and availability in your area. 4G LTE not available on all products, in all regions.
  • [10] LPWAN (also called Mobile Narrowband) support HP Protect & Trace with Wolf Connect service through the subscription term, but do not support mobile broadband use.
  • [11] Miracast is a wireless technology your PC can use to project your screen to TVs, projectors, and streaming.
  • [12] Intel® Graphics capabilities require system to be configured with Intel® Core™ Ultra 5 or Ultra 7 processors and dual channel memory. Single channel memory will only function as Intel® ARC graphics.
  • [13] Integrated graphics depends on processor. NVIDIA® Optimus™ technology requires an Intel processor, plus an NVIDIA® GeForce® discrete graphics configuration and is available on Windows 10 Pro OS or higher. With NVIDIA® Optimus™ technology, full enablement of all discrete graphics video and display features may not be supported on all systems (e.g. OpenGL applications will run on the integrated GPU or the APU as the case may be).
  • [14] Backlit keyboard is an optional feature.
  • [15] WQXGA/WUXGA/FHD resolution content required to view WQXGA/WUXGA/FHD images.
  • [16] Resolutions are dependent upon monitor capability, and resolution and color depth settings.
  • [17] Actual brightness will be lower with touchscreen.
  • [18] All specifications represent the typical specifications provided by HP's component manufacturers; actual performance may vary either higher or lower.
  • [19] Requires Windows 11 and an NPU. Timing of feature delivery and availability varies by market and device. Requires Microsoft account to log in. Where Copilot in Windows is not available, the Copilot key will lead to the Bing search engine. See .
  • [20] HP Tamper Lock must be enabled by the customer or your administrator.
  • [21] HP Support Assistant is available on Windows. For more information, please visit .
  • [22] HP customers qualify for a 90 day trail of Miro, this offer ends September 2025. Complete terms and conditions are provided by Miro when accepting the offer.
  • [23] HP Cloud Recovery is available for Z by HP, HP Elite and Pro desktops and laptops PCs with Intel® or AMD processors requires an open network connection. Note: You must back up important files, data, photos, videos, etc. before use to avoid loss of data. Detail please refer to: .
  • [24] HP Connect for Microsoft Endpoint Manager is available from the Azure Market Place for HP Pro, Elite, Z and Point-of-Sale PCs managed with Microsoft Endpoint Manager. Subscription to Microsoft Endpoint Manager required and sold separately. Network connection required.
  • [25] HP Manageability Integration Kit can be downloaded from .
  • [26] HP Patch Assistant available on select HP PCs with the HP Manageability Kit that are managed through Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager.
  • [27] HP Sure Admin requires HP G8 or newer platforms, Windows 10 or higher, HP BIOS, HP Manageability Kit or KMS Service from and HP Sure Admin Local Access Authenticator smartphone app from the Android or Apple store.
  • [28] HP Sure Click requires Windows 10 and higher. See for complete details.
  • [29] HP Sure Recover is available on select HP PCs and requires Windows 10 or 11 and an open network connection. You must back up important files, data, photos, videos, etc. before using HP Sure Recover to avoid loss of data. HP Sure Recover Gen6 with Embedded Reimaging is an optional feature on select HP PCs which requires Windows 10 or 11 must be configured at purchase. You must back up important files, data, photos, videos, etc. before use to avoid loss of data.
  • [30] HP Sure Run is available on select HP PCs and requires Windows 10 and higher.
  • [31] HP Sure Start is available on select HP PCs and requires Windows 10 and higher.
  • [32] Secured-Core PC Enable requires an Intel® vPro® , AMD Ryzen™ Pro processor or Qualcomm® processor with SD850 or higher and requires 8 GB or more system memory. Secured-core PC is enabled from the factory.
  • [33] Absolute firmware module is shipped turned off and can only be activated with the purchase a license subscription and full activation of the software agent. License subscriptions can be purchased for terms ranging multiple years. Service is limited, check with Absolute for availability outside the U.S. Certain conditions apply. For full details visit:
  • [34] HP BIOSphere features may vary depending on the platform and configuration.
  • [35] HP Secure Erase implements the methods outlined in the National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-88r "Clear" sanitation method. HP Secure Erase does not support platforms with Intel® Optane™.
  • [36] HP Fingerprint Reader is an optional feature that requires Windows 10 or 11 and must be configured at purchase.
  • [37] For new batteries, actual battery Watt-hours (Wh) may differ from the design capacity and may have a full charge capacity that differs by up to 10, which is typical for lithium-ion batteries. Battery capacity naturally decreases over time and with use, depending on several factors such as battery health management settings, shelf life, temperature, environment, loaded apps, features, system configuration, and power settings.
  • [38] Availability may vary by country.
  • [39] Recharges up to 50% within 30 minutes when the system is off or in standby mode when used with the power adapter provided with the notebook. Power adapter minimum of 65 watts required for battery capacities 56Whr or less. Power adapter minimum of 100 watts required for battery capacities greater than 56Whr and less than 83Whr. Power adapter minimum of 120 watts required for battery capacities greater than 83Whr and less than 100Whr. After charging has reached 90% capacity, charging speed will return to normal. Charging time may vary +/-10% due to System tolerance.
  • [40] Based on US EPEAT® registration according to IEEE 1680.1-2018 EPEAT®. Status varies by country. Visit for more information.
  • [41] HP Easy Clean requires Windows 10 RS3 and higher and will disable the keyboard, touchscreen, and clickpad only. Ports are not disabled. See user guide for cleaning instructions.
  • [42] HP Power Manager requires Windows 10 and higher and can be downloaded from the Microsoft Store. Depending on what version of HP Battery Health Manager (BHM) is available for your device, HP BHM may look at a number of factors to determine how to adjust battery charging over time to optimize battery health. HP BHM is preset to “Let HP Manage my Battery Charging” to allow the system to balance charging between battery health and battery duration. As Let HP Manage My Battery Charging adjusts charge capacity, the amount of run-time on battery will be reduced over time. HP may utilize BIOS updates to adjust BHM settings on select systems to optimize battery health and reduce exposure to those factors that can accelerate battery degradation. To update or change HP BHM settings and for complete details, see
  • [43] HP Services Scan is provided with Windows Update on select products and will check entitlement on each hardware device to determine if an HP TechPulse-enabled service has been purchased, and will download applicable software automatically. HP TechPulse is a telemetry and analytics platform that provides critical data around devices and applications. For full system requirements or to disable this feature, please visit . Not applicable in China.
  • [44] Hardware acceleration for CODEC H.265/HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding) is disabled on this platform, including the current configuration and alternate options.
  • [45] Molded pulp cushions made from 100% recycled wood fiber and organic materials.
  • [46] 100% outer box packaging and corrugated cushions made from sustainably sourced certified and recycled fibers.
  • [47] External power supplies, power cords, cables and peripherals are not Low Halogen. Service parts obtained after purchase may not be Low Halogen.
  • [48] Percentage of ocean-bound plastic contained in each component varies by product.
  • [49] Recycled plastic content percentage is based on the definition set in the IEEE 1680.1-2018 standard.
  • [56] This product includes a three (3) year license of HP Wolf Pro Security Edition which includes HP Sure Click Pro and HP Sure Sense Pro. The HP Wolf Pro Security Edition software is licensed under the license terms of the HP End User License Agreement (EULA) that can be found at: as modified by the following: “7. Term. Unless otherwise terminated earlier pursuant to the terms contained in this EULA, the license for the HP Wolf Pro Security Edition (HP Sure Sense Pro and HP Sure Click Pro) is effective upon activation and will continue for thirty six (36) months thereafter (“Initial Term”). At the end of the Initial Term you may either (a) purchase a renewal license for the HP Wolf Pro Security Edition from, HP Sales or an HP Channel Partner, or (b) continue using the standard versions of HP Sure Click and HP Sure Sense at no additional cost with no future software updates or HP Support.”
  • [57] HP Smart Support automatically collects the telemetry necessary upon initial boot of the product to deliver device-level configuration data and health insights and is available preinstalled on select products, thru HP Factory Configuration Services; or it can be downloaded. For more information about how to enable HP Smart Support or for download, please visit .
  • [60] Depending on the version available for your device and the setting you select, HP Battery Health Manager (BHM) will use a proprietary set of algorithms to optimize battery health during the life of the battery. New Commercial Notebooks come equipped with BHM set to “Let HP Manage My Battery Health” as the default. This setting will reduce charge capacity over time to optimize battery health and mitigate factors that can accelerate battery degradation. As a result of this reduction, battery runtime will decrease over time as available charge capacity is reduced. HP may, at any time, update HP Battery Health Manger to improve available settings, functionality, and performance. Refurbished products may have customized default settings to optimize user experience. For additional information on updating or modifying HP Battery Health Manager settings, please go to HP.COM/SUPPORT/BATTERY .
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