A wooden bench with a black backpack and open HP laptop next to a green table with another HP laptop and mouse. A bicycle and plants are in the background.

In the ever-evolving world of technology, our laptops have become indispensable tools, accompanying us throughout our daily routines. However, as our reliance on these portable powerhouses grows, so too does the need to ensure they perform at their best, particularly when it comes to battery life. For HP laptop users, maximising battery longevity is a crucial concern, as it directly impacts the seamless flow of your workday.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll help you with practical tips and techniques to optimise your laptop battery life and performance. From adjusting power settings to leveraging built-in power-saving features, we'll explore a range of strategies tailored to your specific usage needs. 

Adjusting Power Settings

One of the most effective tips to prolong battery life is by optimising power settings on your PC. Windows provides a range of customisable power plans that allow you to fine-tune your device's energy consumption based on your specific needs.

Begin by navigating to the power options menu in your control panel. Here, you'll find preset power plans, such as "balanced", "high performance" and "power saver." While the balanced plan is a good starting point, consider switching to the power saver mode when you need to eke out every last drop of battery juice. This plan will automatically reduce screen brightness, limit processor performance and put your system into sleep mode more aggressively, all while ensuring your laptop remains responsive to your needs.

For an even more tailored approach, dive into the advanced power plan settings. You can create a custom plan that aligns perfectly with your usage patterns, adjusting parameters like disk timeout, display brightness and processor power management. Experiment with these settings to find the perfect balance between performance and battery life, ensuring your HP laptop is always ready to accompany you on your journey.

Screen Brightness and Sleep Settings

Another crucial factor in extending your laptop battery life is managing the screen brightness and sleep settings. Your display is a significant power drain, so finding the right balance between visibility and energy efficiency is key.

Start by adjusting the screen brightness to the lowest comfortable level. While it may be tempting to crank up the brightness for optimal viewing, this practice can quickly deplete your battery. Utilise the brightness controls, whether on your keyboard or in the Windows settings, to find the sweet spot that provides adequate visibility without unnecessarily draining your power reserves.

Next, turn your attention to the sleep and display timeout settings. These controls determine how quickly your HP laptop will enter a low-power sleep mode or turn off the display when left idle. Experiment with different timeout values, striking a balance between convenience and battery preservation. A good rule of thumb is to set the display to turn off after 5-10 minutes of inactivity and have your laptop enter sleep mode after 15-30 minutes. Tweaking these settings can make a significant difference in how long your battery lasts between charges.

Managing Background Apps and Processes

One often overlooked aspect of battery optimisation is managing the background apps and processes running on your HP laptop. These unseen programs can silently drain your battery, sapping precious power even when you're not actively using them.

Begin by opening the task manager and taking a closer look at the processes and services that are running in the background. You may be surprised to find a myriad of applications that you don't even remember installing, all vying for a slice of your laptop's resources. Carefully review this list and identify any unnecessary or redundant programs, then promptly close them. However, before you close one, make sure you understand what the program does to avoid closing vital processes with unfamiliar names.

But the battle doesn't end there. Many apps and services start automatically when your HP laptop boots up, perpetually running in the background. Head to the startup tab in the task manager and disable any entries that you don't need. This simple step can significantly reduce the strain on your battery, freeing up valuable resources for the tasks you care about.

Finally, consider adjusting the permissions and background activity settings for your installed applications. Many programs tend to run processes, check for updates or sync data even when you're not actively using them. When you rein in these power-hungry behaviours, you can reclaim precious battery life and enjoy a more efficient computing experience.

Utilising Battery-saver Mode

One of the most powerful tools at your disposal for extending your HP laptop's battery life is the built-in battery saver mode. This nifty feature, readily available in the Windows operating system, is designed to intelligently manage your device's power consumption, ensuring you can eke out every last drop of juice when you need it most.

When activated, battery saver mode will automatically make a series of adjustments to your HP laptop's settings, dialling down energy-sapping features while maintaining core functionality. For instance, it will dim your screen, limit background activity and restrict certain high-performance tasks, all without compromising your ability to stay productive.

The beauty of battery saver mode lies in its adaptability. You can customise the trigger points, determining at what battery percentage the mode should kick in, as well as the specific settings you want it to adjust. This level of control allows you to find the perfect balance between battery life and performance, tailored to your unique usage patterns.

So, the next time you find yourself in a situation where your HP laptop's battery is dwindling, don't hesitate to activate battery saver mode. It just might be the lifeline you need to power through the rest of your day, without having to constantly worry about that pesky low-battery warning.

Updating Drivers and Firmware

Keeping your HP laptop's drivers and firmware up to date is a crucial, yet often overlooked, aspect of optimising its battery life. These underlying components play a vital role in ensuring your device's hardware and software work in harmony, and outdated versions can inadvertently contribute to excessive power consumption.

Think of your laptop's drivers as the communication bridges between the operating system and the various hardware components, such as the processor, graphics card and battery. When these drivers are outdated, they may not be operating as efficiently as they could, leading to unnecessary power draws and diminished battery performance.

Similarly, your HP laptop's firmware, the low-level software that governs its core functions, can also have a significant impact on battery life. Manufacturers often release firmware updates to address power management improvements, bug fixes and performance enhancements.

Fortunately, keeping your drivers and firmware up to date is a straightforward process. HP offers a variety of tools and utilities to simplify this task, allowing you to quickly identify and install the latest updates with just a few clicks. You can visit HP Support to quickly download the latest updates for all your HP devices. Embrace this simple yet impactful habit, and you'll be rewarded with a longer-lasting, more reliable battery on your trusty HP laptop.

Disabling Unnecessary Hardware

When it comes to maximising your HP laptop's battery life, sometimes less is more. Temporarily disable hardware components that you're not actively using to significantly reduce the strain on your device's power reserves.

Think about the various peripherals and features that your laptop is equipped with - things like Bluetooth, the webcam, dedicated graphics cards and more. While these components can be incredibly useful, they also consume valuable battery power, even when you're not actively utilising them.

To combat this, take a moment to audit the hardware on your HP laptop. Identify any features that you don't need at the moment, and turn them off. This could involve disabling Bluetooth when you're not using a wireless mouse or headphones, or shutting down the dedicated graphics card if you're only performing basic tasks.

The beauty of this approach is that it's entirely reversible. When you need to use those hardware components again, you can simply re-enable them with a few clicks. It's a delicate balancing act between functionality and battery life, but by being mindful of your laptop's hardware usage, you can tip the scales in favour of extended runtime.

So, don't be afraid to streamline your HP laptop's hardware profile. A little bit of strategic disabling can go a long way in keeping your device powered up and ready to tackle your daily tasks and adventures.

Optimising Browser and Software Settings

Your choice of web browser and the software you use on your device can have a significant impact on your laptop battery life. Just like with hardware components, certain applications and browser settings can quietly drain your battery, even when you're not actively using them.

Start by taking a close look at your web browsing habits. Certain browser features, like auto-playing videos, excessive tab usage and resource-heavy extensions, can be major battery hogs. Adjust your browser settings to disable auto-play, limit the number of tabs you have open, and be selective about the extensions you install.

But it's not just your web browser – the other applications you use on your HP laptop can also contribute to battery drain. Consider the difference between using a lightweight text editor versus a power-hungry video editing suite. When possible, opt for software that is optimised for energy efficiency, minimising unnecessary background processes, and resource consumption.

Additionally, pay attention to how you're using these applications. For example, if you're working on a document, try to avoid frequent saving or syncing, as these actions can quickly deplete your battery. Instead, focus on your work, and only save or sync your progress at natural stopping points.

Calibrating the Battery

Maintaining an accurate battery level reading on your HP laptop is crucial for effectively managing its power consumption. Over time, however, the battery's internal calibration can become skewed, leading to inaccurate charge indicators and potentially causing you to misjudge your remaining runtime.

That's where the battery calibration process comes into play. Periodically recalibrate your HP laptop's battery to ensure that the reported charge level aligns closely with the actual capacity, allowing you to make more informed decisions about when to recharge.

The calibration process is relatively straightforward. Start by fully charging your laptop's battery to 100%. Once it's fully juiced up, unplug the power adapter and let the battery drain completely until your device shuts off. Then, recharge the battery back to 100% without interruption.

This complete discharge-recharge cycle helps to recalibrate the battery's internal sensors, providing you with a more accurate representation of its remaining capacity. It's a simple but effective way to maintain the health and performance of your HP laptop's battery, helping you get the most out of each charge.

Make a habit of calibrating your battery every few months, or whenever you notice the charge level seeming off.

Additional Tips and Best Practices

In addition to the comprehensive strategies we've covered, there are a few more tips and best practices you can adopt to further enhance your HP laptop's battery life.

First and foremost, be mindful of the environmental conditions in which you use your device. Extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, can have a detrimental effect on battery performance. Avoid leaving your HP laptop in direct sunlight or very cold environments for prolonged periods, as this can prematurely degrade the battery's capacity.

Another important consideration is how you handle the charging and discharging cycle. Resist the urge to keep your laptop perpetually plugged in, as this can lead to overcharging and reduce the battery's overall lifespan. Instead, aim to discharge the battery to around 20-30% before recharging it back to 100%. This balanced approach will help maintain the battery's health and ensure you get the most out of each charge.

Finally, don't forget to take regular breaks from heavy usage. Giving your HP laptop a chance to rest and cool down can go a long way in preserving its battery life. If you won’t be using your laptop for a few days, it’s a good idea to leave it charged at 50%.

Wondering how to check laptop battery life? Open the Command prompt with administrator privileges, type ‘powercfg /batteryreport’ (without quotes) and press enter. Your PC will store a battery report on your computer (as an HTML file) which you can then open in a web browser.

Best Battery Life Laptops from HP

The newer HP laptop models feature long battery lives and advanced charging features. The HP Spectre 40.6 cm x360 2-in-1 Laptop OLED 16-f1009TX, featuring a 12th Gen Intel® Core™ i7 processor, 16-inch UHD+ (3840 x 2400) touch screen and 16GB RAM has a whopping 17 hours of battery life to power your adventures non-stop.

Looking for a more affordable option? The HP Pavilion 35.6 cm Laptop 14-dv2041TU has got you covered. The laptop packs in a 12th Generation Intel Core i5 processor and also benefits from HP Fast Charge technology, which powers your device from 0 to 50% in just 30 minutes so you’re up and running in no time. 

The HP Envy 39.6 cm x360 2-in-1 Laptop OLED 15-fe0032TU excels with a 13th Gen Intel Core i7 processor and is also IMAX Enhanced Certified so your compact movie theatre is never too far away. Thanks to an exceptional battery life, you can stream your favourite movies all day long without interruptions.


We've explored a wealth of battery life tips and strategies to help HP users maximise their laptop power performance. From adjusting power settings and managing background processes to calibrating the battery and embracing best practices, we've covered a diverse range of tactics to ensure your portable companion keeps pace with your on-the-go lifestyle.

The key takeaway is that by taking a proactive approach to power management, you can reclaim control over your laptop battery life. Whether it's dimming the screen, disabling unnecessary hardware or utilising the built-in battery saver mode, the choices you make can make a tangible difference in how long your HP laptop lasts between charges.

So, embrace these battery-boosting techniques and watch as your productivity, efficiency, and peace of mind soar to new heights. Your HP laptop is ready to be your steadfast ally, as long as you give it the care and attention it deserves.