what is the maximum RAM that this product can be upgraded to?
Asked by: ms20341
Hi ms20341,
Thank you for reaching out to HP. This laptop has a memory RAM of 16GB and cannot be upgraded as the memory is soldered onboard and not removable. 16GB is the best recommended RAM for this laptop. If you are interested in more laptops recommendation and options you may reach out to our Sales team for product query and available promotions:
0800 854 848
+64 9884 8200 (WhatsApp)
Answered by: HP Live Expert (Nazrin)
Date published: 2024-12-26
What date was this laptop released please?
Asked by: Maureen
Thank you for the question. This variation of the laptop was newly released in 2024. Please reach out to our NZ Sales team if you would like to make a purchase:
0800 854 848
+64 9884 8200 (WhatsApp)