HP Laptop With Intel® 12th Generation Processors

Processors are one of the most crucial parts of any computer. You can liken them to our brains because they, too, process all the information from other components in your PC. If you don't have a fast processor, your computer may be slow regardless of what hardware you have installed. 

Processor technology continues to evolve, and Intel® has recently released its 12th generation processors, code named Alder Lake. This article looks at the benefits of Intel 12th generation laptops and how they impact computer performance.

Enhanced multithreading

Modern CPUs have multithread capabilities, meaning the processor can split workloads into different threads to handle more tasks simultaneously and reduce bottlenecks. You can think of it as multitasking; if you can do more than one task at once, you will get them all done sooner. 

Intel 12th gen processors are taking multithreading to new levels. In many cases, Alder Lake processors trounce rivals’ multithreading capabilities. The result is 12th generation laptops that can handle complex tasks even faster than before.

These new processors can handle just about any other hardware around today. Of course, 12th generation technology will itself become obsolete in time, but Alder Lake processors currently lead the pack, helped by their enhanced multithreading capabilities.

Improved rendering

In computing, rendering means displaying images on a screen. Rendering is essential because we would not be able to see information, work, and entertainment in an easy-to-understand manner.

For example, a spreadsheet needs to be rendered by a computer so you can read it and make changes. A computer must also render more complex images, such as game graphics and movies, while designers, in particular, need strong rendering capabilities. As rendering becomes more advanced, apps look better and work faster.

The power of these processors enables graphics cards to operate at their full capabilities, allowing for impressive images on screen. In addition, designers who use tools like Photoshop can get more from their software with help from an Intel 12th generation laptop.

PCIe 5.0 compatible

A peripheral component interconnect (PCI) is a type of connection between computer components and peripherals. You will usually find PCIs on your motherboard and components, like graphics cards, slot into the connectors to become part of the overall machine.

PCI allows computer components to share data, helping them to work together as a single, powerful machine. However, the information transfer rate between computer components is limited, so PCI technology is constantly evolving to achieve the best possible performance.

Most recently, manufacturers have released PCIe 5.0, which transfers information faster than previous PCI technology. However, there is a catch: PCIe 5.0 is not compatible with most other processors. You’ll need a 12th gen Intel laptop or another compatible device to benefit. PCIe 5.0 gives consumers even more reason to invest in Intel’s latest technology.

DDR5 compatible

All computers require random access memory (RAM) to function. You can think of RAM as a workstation that lets the computer process information, such as making an advanced calculation on a spreadsheet. The more RAM you have, the more processing power your computer has.

RAM is often the first upgrade people consider when their machines start to slow down because it is one of the most affordable and effective upgrades that can be made. RAM comes in the form of sticks that slot into your motherboard and each stick only offers a limited amount of RAM. Thankfully, these sticks can now hold more RAM thanks to the introduction of DDR5.

Each DDR5 stick can hold up to 64GB, providing a considerable boost over DDR4. As things stand, using the maximum that DDR5 can offer is often overkill for most people. Typical users will not need more than 32GB.

However, many people with more advanced needs will be grateful for the power DDR5 RAM offers. While it helps ensure computers can continue to evolve in the future, DDR5 is currently only compatible with Intel 12th generation processors.

What does this all mean for users?

It's all very well talking about multithreading and DDR5, but most people want to know what it means for them. Here is how different users can benefit from Intel 12th gen processors.

Benefits for gamers

Gaming is big business, and creators look to push hardware to its limits to bring the most visually stunning titles to market. Intel's 12th generation processors can benefit gamers in two main ways.


As mentioned previously, a processor is responsible for handling the data from a graphics card. If your computer’s processor is not powerful enough, even the best graphics card on the market won’t save your game from running smoothly.

However, this will not be an issue with Alder Lake. The result is stunning graphics with frame rates that help ensure the game runs smoothly. Intel 12th generation processors will also be able to handle more powerful graphics cards as manufacturers release them.  

Loading Times

Loading times are an inconvenience that most gamers must endure. However, Intel 12th gen processors can help to keep loading times down.

It's not just the superior speed of the processor that can reduce loading times, but also its compatibility with other advanced computing technology. For example, pair these high-end processors with DDR5 and PCIe 5.0 and you’ll have a laptop that can load games faster than ever before.

Benefits for designers

All but the most devoted gamers are unlikely to push Intel 12th gen processors to their limits. However, graphics designers can take full advantage of the newest processor technology.

Designers require enhanced rendering capabilities from their computers. These requirements can push PCs to their limits if not properly equipped. Thanks to Alder Lake, designers can take advantage of faster rendering and processing speeds, meaning more advanced graphic designs.

Benefits for workers

Laptops are commonplace for many professionals today, so there’s always a need for more computing power.

With Intel’s latest processors, there will be less time spent waiting for an app to open or for a spreadsheet to perform a complex calculation. These processors provide the speed needed to ensure workers can operate more efficiently.

Another good professional reason to invest in an Intel 12th gen laptop is that it can help you stay on top of any computing tasks and ensure your business runs efficiently. You’ll routinely impress in business meetings.

Things to know before you buy

Intel's Alder Lake processors provide a high level of power and proficiency, but some software may not be compatible. Here’s what to be aware of if you’re prepared to invest in Intel’s latest processors.

These processors need power to perform

For as much power as Intel’s 12th generation processors can bring to a PC, they can take a lot to run. When compared with other similar devices, machines with Alder Lake processors could run out of battery faster if not plugged into an outlet.

But the extra demands on power may be offset by the faster computing power, which you can finish tasks sooner. As technology continues to improve in 12th generation laptops, users will likely see overall energy efficiency get better.

Some games may not be compatible

Game studios created many of the latest titles before Alder Lake processors hit the market. Unfortunately, this means some games may encounter compatibility issues.

You are more likely to experience compatibility issues on Windows 10 than on Windows 11. Also, games will likely receive a patch for Windows 11 if they haven't already.

Users can also patch the issue with a workaround, even if it is far from ideal. The workaround involves disabling the processor's E-cores, which are the main reason why some games struggle with compatibility issues. Enabling legacy game compatibility mode will work in most cases, giving gamers access to some of their favorite titles that would otherwise not work. 



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