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How to Accurately Install New Plumbing Systems With Construction Layout Robots

HP SitePrint Blog

How to Accurately Install New Plumbing Systems With Construction Layout Robots
HP SitePrint Blog
Team discussing new strategies on how to accurately install new plumbing systems

Precision is essential for any plumbing system layout. A single miscalculation can stall not only MEP installation but construction timetables overall. That’s why any technical advantage with a proven ROI is worth its weight in gold—and it’s now possible with advanced site printing robotics. Using fully self-autonomous site print robots, firms determining how to accurately install new plumbing systems can now rest assured of both great accuracy and efficiency. They can also achieve faster, more reliable layouts at a lower cost.

Integrating Total Stations With Construction Layout Robots

For their own sake and overall project success, MEP firms must achieve maximum layout speed and accuracy. That's why plumbing contractors are increasingly looking to robotics in construction, eager to optimize margins and improve workflow management.
To these ends, robotic total stations are already helping plumbing technicians effortlessly navigate complex building layouts. Based on advanced, surveyor-grade geospatial telemetry, robotic total station technology can now coordinate site print robots to achieve precise placement of plumbing lines and components.
The advantages of robotic site printing are clear, but until recently, the only hurdle was the matter of practicality. Led by pioneers in AEC printing technology, automated site print robots are now both effective and affordable. MEP firms learning how to accurately install new plumbing systems may even need to adopt automated robotics to remain competitive.
That's because construction layout robots now make numerous benefits available to firms of almost any size:

  • Great site printing efficiency
  • Minimized  layout errors
  • Fast permitting
  • Low costs
  • Reduced workplace injuries
  • Seamless project coordination using handheld mobile devices

How to Accurately Install New Plumbing Systems With Advanced Site Print Robotics

Plumbing system engineers are no strangers to advanced site surveying techniques for improving site layouts and navigating spatial constraints. Where BIM and CAD software have long been necessary to improve plumbing layout efficiency, automated robotic site printing is simply the next logical step.
It's also how mechanical engineers can install plumbing in new construction projects while exerting much greater control over project resources. By integrating directly with CAD files, site print robots achieve a 1:1 print directly onto the workspace, but it's only possible through fully automated printing solutions.
With precise alignment, plumbing firms can meet project specifications and compliance requirements. Cloud networking functions then help MEP teams, structural engineers, and key stakeholders maintain greater collaboration, streamline progress reports, and retain robust project documentation.
These benefits hold major implications for construction build quality. They can result in greater long-term durability and, for plumbing firms, enhanced industry reputation.

Best Practices for Implementing Fully Automated Site Printing Robotics

How mechanical engineers can install plumbing in new construction projects bears a tremendous impact on the efficiency of MEP systems installation as a whole. It's important that automated construction technology is easy to calibrate. That's especially true for layout robots, where a single miscalculation can stall permitting and hands-on installation work.
Site printing operations for mechanical contractors are much more reliable with robotics that feature a suite of inbuilt self-maintenance functions. In fact, traditional site print procedures are error-prone precisely due to their lack of self-calibration capability. By comparison, manual site printing and even non-automated robotics require constant, meticulous intervention. They involve more work.
Inconsistent performance becomes a thing of the past. For instance, HP SitePrint handles the advanced programming techniques required to maintain accuracy between the robotic total station and the robot, resulting in a wide range of important benefits:

  • Dynamic monitoring between a tracking prism and the robot's movements
  • Razor-sharp site print accuracy to within 3 mm
  • Automated layout printing that eliminates the need for plotting and connecting individual points
  • Real-time feedback on site printing progress
  • Cloud-network control and monitoring
  • Updates between CAD file(s) and site printing instructions
Such technical capabilities dramatically improve construction productivity, revolutionizing how mechanical engineers can install plumbing in new construction projects. Automated site print robots are all but certain to become the new standard in maximizing plumbing installation consistency; they also improve workflow management and decision-making along the way.
Advanced safety mechanisms, including in-built drivetrain protection and edge/ledge detection, protect the site print robot from damage. They also reduce calibration errors while supporting printing directly onto an extremely wide variety of surface types. In numerous ways, HP SitePrint is already setting the new standard1 for advanced plumbing and other MEP site printing solutions.

Executing Accurate Installations

HP SitePrint's controls are extremely intuitive, helping MEP firms rapidly upskill and accomplish more. Plumbing technicians trained in automated site printing robotics will quickly lead their industry to new levels of technical proficiency, layout accuracy, and project turnarounds—leading to greater site-wide collaboration and seamless installations.
Laser alignment tools further help verify plumbing layout accuracy, maximizing quality assurance processes right at the source. It also reduces the number of discrete steps involved, saving further time on top of HP SitePrint's inherent speed advantages over the alternatives.
Along with its technical accuracy, HP SitePrint's pinpoint accuracy helps maximize compliance with complex building codes. Streamlined integration with industry-standard CAD  software can also help site print technicians detect collisions with other MEP systems and prevent wasting costly resources. The takeaway is that HP SitePrint helps plumbing firms at any scale uphold compliance requirements and installation integrity, even on tight project deadlines.

Optimizing Quality Assurance Processes

Quality controls are essential in learning how to accurately install new plumbing systems quickly and accurately. HP SitePrint's advanced cloud-networking functions help technicians confirm the accuracy of plumbing system components relative to layout markings, all without needing to refer to intermediate reference materials.
Reducing steps during field validation processes helps technicians install plumbing components with greater trust in the layout's integrity. All site printing and installation activities are also thoroughly compiled for future reference, leading to robust process documentation and reporting.
Plumbing contractors achieve comprehensive as-built documentation using the exact same processes as their site printing procedures—which occur almost fully automatically.
Plumbing technicians can then focus their efforts on other value-adding tasks, confident their project is running according to schedule while meeting even the most stringent stakeholder expectations.

Construction Layout Robots for Accurate Plumbing System Installations

Automated site print robotics are rapidly changing how mechanical engineers can install plumbing in new construction projects with minimal errors and delays. Along with the benefits just discussed, automated plumbing system layouts are rapidly paving the way to other automated installation processes. Leveraging robotics for electrical engineering, plumbing, and other new construction procedures is not just more efficient—it's rapidly becoming the new industry standard.
The field of automated site printing robotics is helping even modestly sized firms discover how to accurately install new plumbing systems with zero compromise on efficiency. If you have further questions about how mechanical engineers can install plumbing in new construction projects with minimal error and costs, contact us using the form in the upper right-hand corner.

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