Sales tax exemption

How we handle sales tax

45 States and the District of Columbia (jurisdictions) impose a sales tax. HP is registered to collect sales tax in each of these States and local jurisdictions and will include applicable sales tax on Web site purchases unless you provide valid resale tax exemption documentation for each State in which you do business.

Sales tax exemption requests are often validated after orders are placed; so your orders will initially include sales tax. When your exemption documentation is received and validated, a credit will be issued against your initial order's original form of payment.

RESELLERS: If you are claiming a resale tax exemption, please review the Reseller Process steps below before placing your order.

How to apply for sales tax exempt status on HP Website purchases:

  1. Send an email to that includes your name, sales order number (starts with an H), and the name of the exempt organization for which tax exempt purchase was or will be made.
  2. Indicate the State(s) where you are tax exempt.
    1. 2.a. All forms or certificates requiring an authorized purchaser signature must be complete and include a handwritten signature.
  3. Attach the required State sales tax exemption documentation
  4. If the bill-to name on your orders is not the name of the sales tax exempt entity as documented in the sales tax exemption certificate, fill out the Sales Tax Exempt Entity Verification Form.

Documentation requirements

Each State has specific exemption documentation requirements. Requirements vary based on type of exemption claimed (e.g. exempt organization, reseller, etc.) Depending on the State(s) in which you do business, you may need to provide a completed, signed exemption certificate or a copy of the State issued exemption letter or certificate. Please review your state's requirements for exemption documentation and ensure that all required names, signatures, and dates are included. Sales tax permits, W-9’s or IRS exemption letters are not considered valid sales tax exemption documentation.

Sales Tax Exempt Entity Verification Requirement

Your order must ship to the same state(s) as documented on your sales tax exemption certificate.

Reseller Process

No reseller may purchase products for resale directly through the website. You must be an authorized HP Reseller Partner to resell HP branded products and, once authorized, you can only purchase HP branded products by contacting the HP Call Center, 888-999-4747.

Please go to to apply. Once you are an authorized HP Reseller, you will use your new location ID when placing orders. Your tax-exempt status will be validated based on the exemption documentation you provide using the application steps above.

Tax Exemption Process for ongoing or future orders

Once your tax exemption documentation is validated, HP will add a tax exemption status to your account that will enable ongoing tax-exempt purchases. Only purchases through an account that is linked to your company or organization's domain email address will qualify for ongoing tax-exempt status.

Please note that some exemption certificates expire on a certain date or after a certain number of years. It is your responsibility to send HP an updated sales tax exemption certificate or other documentation, when required, in order to avoid any lapse in the tax-exempt status assigned to your account. You must also notify HP if your entity or company is no longer tax exempt or if your entity changes ownership or its name.

Please send any updated certificate or tax exemption inquiries to

Timing - Sales Tax Refund Requests

Sales tax exemption refunds cannot be processed until your order is delivered. It takes about two weeks from the date we receive your request for a sales tax credit to appear on your credit card statement. Tax refund requests on orders more than 90 days old may require additional time.