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HP Modernizes Data Centers for Greater Business Agility

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Executive Biographies

» Overview
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» HP Converged Systems
» HP Storage
» Executive Biographies
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HP Executive Biographies
» Steve Dietch, vice president, Marketing, Cloud Solutions and Infrastructure, HP
» Jim Jackson, vice president, Marketing Strategy and GTM, Enterprise Servers, Storage and Networking, HP
» Tom Joyce, vice president, Marketing, Strategy and Operations, Storage, HP
» EJ Bodnar, director, Worldwide Portfolio Marketing, Technology Services, HP
» Jeff Carlat, director, Marketing, Industry Standard Servers and Software, Enterprise Storage, Servers and Networking, HP
» Flynn Maloy, director, Worldwide Marketing, Technology Services, HP Enterprise Business
» Ian Jagger, worldwide technology consulting marketing manager, Strategic IT, Critical Facilities, Energy and Sustainability, Technology Services, HP
» Wolfgang Wittmer, senior vice president and acting general manager, Enterprise Servers, Storage and Networking – Asia Pacific and Japan, HP
» Aman Neil Dokania, vice president and general manager, Blades, Virtualization and Cloud Solutions – Asia Pacific and Japan, HP
» Frances Guida, manager, Cloud Solutions and Infrastructure, Enterprise Servers, Storage and Networking, HP
» Mohan Krishnan, vice president and managing partner, of Consulting – Asia Pacific and Japan, Technology Services, HP

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