Built to Last: HP Indigo Digital Presses

Built to Last: HP Indigo Digital Presses

In the realm of label and packaging, a common belief persists that digital presses warrant replacement every 5-6 years. This perception often dissuades converters from embracing digital press investments or prompts them to factor misleading parameters into their ROI calculations. While this notion may hold true for certain technologies or manufacturers, it's a fallacy when it comes to HP Indigo Digital Presses.

Man supervising labels production

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Defying the norm with proven printing press longevity

HP Indigo installed approximately 500 new HP Indigo 6x00 digital presses between 2012-2014. Astonishingly, a whopping 75% of these printing presses continue to operate with the vigor and performance metrics comparable to new units. The secret behind this remarkable track record lies in the built-to-last philosophy that underpins every HP Indigo digital press.

Nurturing longevity: A customer-centric approach to digital printing

Recognizing that the majority of label converters are family-owned small to mid-size enterprises, HP Indigo takes a radically different stance. Replacing a digital press every few years would disrupt the investment-to-reward equilibrium for these businesses. Consequently, HP Indigo takes strategic steps to safeguard our customers' investments:

Robust printing press foundations: Ensuring resilience from the outset

At HP Indigo, we engineer our digital presses with robustness in mind. This foundational approach ensures that our printing presses are not just sophisticated pieces of equipment, but also enduring assets that withstand the test of time.

Continual innovation: Embracing backward compatibility

We heavily invest in the research and development of new software, hardware components, and inks. What sets us apart is our commitment to backward compatibility. Our cutting-edge innovations are packaged within value packs that allow our customers to experience the latest advancements, even on their existing digital presses.

Global service excellence: Nurturing support infrastructure

A global service infrastructure forms the bedrock of our commitment. With advanced support tools and a team of experts, we ensure that our customers receive timely assistance whenever it's needed. This proactive approach minimizes disruptions and maximizes productivity.

Empowering press operator expertise: Cultivating a global training network

Our commitment extends beyond machinery to the operators who drive them. We have implemented a comprehensive global press operators training program that equips our customers' teams with the skills to harness the full potential of our digital presses.

Shared wisdom: Fostering community through DSCOOP

At the heart of our customer-centric philosophy lies the DSCOOP community. Through these gatherings, our customers learn from one another, sharing best practices and insights that further enhance the longevity and performance of their HP Indigo digital presses.

Embrace the digital printing future with confidence

So, as you stand at the crossroads of investing in a new digital press, remember that 19% of converters expressed their plans to invest in a digital press in 2019 (source: 2022 LPC research for TLMI). Consider this: When you choose an HP Indigo digital press, you're not just embracing technology, but securing a decade-long partnership that defies industry norms.


At HP Indigo, we invite you to envision a future where your investment thrives beyond mere years—where it's measured in a legacy of reliability, innovation, and enduring support. Choose the path that leads to an unprecedented 10-year lifetime with an HP Indigo digital press. Your investment today, your success tomorrow.