HP Notebook PCs - Purchasing a replacement battery
Replacing a laptop battery may require expert tech assistance to avoid damaging the fragile internal components and electrical systems due to electro-static discharge.
Most notebook/laptop batteries are internal and as a result require replacement by a professional technician.

FIRST: Test the condition of your HP Notebook/Laptop PC battery
- HP provides a Battery Check tool that you can use to test your battery before ordering a new one. Go here to find several options for testing your battery: HP Notebook PCs - Testing and calibrating the battery (Windows). This will provide you with a pass/fail on your battery and offer next steps.
- For instructions about how to improve battery performance, see HP Notebook PCs - Improving battery performance (Windows).
Determine your options
Buy at the HP Parts Store and replace battery locally*
- The HP Parts Store carries a selection of HP spare parts for our products including batteries.
- Check here for helpful steps if needed.
Replace battery with a partner*
- Alternately, an HP Authorized Part Reseller may have it in stock and be able to assist you with removal and installation as well as battery recycling.