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Creating "Stan Man" on HP Sprout

Creating "Stan Man" on HP Sprout

Reading time: 3 minutes

Check out our video showing how "Stan Man" was recreated using HP Sprout

HP® teamed up with the late Stan Lee to create "Stan Man," an animated version of the legendary comic book creator. Lee is known for many famous superhero comic book series, including Iron Man®, X-Men®, Spider-Man® and many others.
The team used HP Sprout to scan in various objects, digitally edit and sketch out their Stan Man iteration and present to Stan for a final selection.
Stan’s final choice came down to three excellent iterations: Excelsior, Pow and Web.
HP is excited to partner with comic book legend Stan Lee and his team as they work to recreate the Stan Man character using the Sprout by HP. The team has presented their favorite versions of Stan Man - which one is your favorite? Help us and VOTE for your favorite now by tweeting to: @therealstanlee with your pick: Excelsior, Pow, or Web. #SproutbyHP

Meet the team

Stan Lee: I challenged my team recently to help me create one of the best characters of all time: me!
Chase: I’m Chase. I’m a working animation director, as well as illustrator.
Anthony: My name is Anthony, I’m a comic book artist.
Megan: I’m Megan, I’m an illustrator.

How do the artists use Sprout by HP?

Anthony: So we’re going to be using the Sprout by HP to create the Stan Man character.
Chase: The ability to do 3D scanning is amazing, especially whenever I want to add relief or depth to images really fast.
Megan: I’m able to use the HP Sprout to sketch up my drawing digitally, paint it up, analog, put it back into the computer and add digital colors and backgrounds.
Anthony: My favorite thing about the Sprout by HP is the 3D scanning. I can scan in multiple objects, place them where I want them, resize them very easily. Super simple: just pinch and zoom. [Anthony uses a pinching motion to resize the digital images]
Chase: Here I can just take a stack [places a stack of comic books under the HP Sprout scanner], lay it out, scan it - it’s going to be done immediately. It looks good. The resolution is great.
Megan: So now all I have to do is have everything right in this one spot [gestures to scanning area] and it makes it so much easier to work and to keep in that work mode.

Stan checks out the artists’ creations

Stan Lee: [examines Anthony’s “Excelsior” Stan Man] Wow, Anthony! You did these?

Anthony: I did.
Stan Lee: Holy smokes! I think they’re great. I never knew I was so terrific looking! [Anthony laughs]
[Now Stan views Megan’s “Pow” Stan Man]
Stan Lee: Wow, Megan. You did a great job.
Megan: Thank you.
Stan Lee: These are good. I like all three of them. I like to be going like that. [mimics print and makes “Superman” gesture]
[Now Stan views Chase’s “Web” Stan Man.]
Stan Lee: Hey, Chase, it’s comedic, but it still looks like me! It’s got a lot of life to it.

Stan needs your help

Stan Lee: My team has come up with some amazing stuff! Now I have to choose which one to put on my site. I’d love to get some feedback from the fans. I mean, after all, fans are at the heart of what I do. Excelsior!
Tweet your favorite to @therealstanlee #sproutby hp

Your choices:

1. “Excelsior” Stan Man
2. “Pow” Stan Man
3. “Web” Stan Man
Reimagine what you can do with Sprout by HP
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