Minecraft commands offer a useful layer of shortcuts and critical inputs for managing the world you’ve created in this expansive game. And when it comes to commands, there are many possibilities to consider.
They range from very basic options that help you handle routine interactions more quickly to more powerful commands you can use to manage everything from weather to plant growth.
To help you get started with a strong foundation and plenty of tools to use, we’re covering some great fundamental commands available, plus a few lesser-known options. Before we talk about how it all works, here’s our 10 cool Minecraft commands list for 2024:
- Teleport from place to place
- Summoning objects and entities
- How to change difficulty
- Setting your world’s weather
- How to change game mode
- Locating the closet in-game structure
- Sending private messages to other players
- Setting the time of day in your world
- Counting entities in your world
- Managing your team
Continue reading for a complete description of each function, with a link to the corresponding Gamepedia entry for each command. That way, you can immediately follow up and learn everything you need to use your preferred commands. But first, a quick overview on commands.
What are console commands and do you use them?
Not sure what Minecraft console commands are or where you should be using them? Console commands are a big part of how most players enjoy Minecraft. The way players use console commands for PC is simple. All you have to do is open the chat window in your game, and then type “/” plus your command. And there are loads of ways to modify most Minecraft commands.
Nope, not a “cheat”
In some situations and in other games, some of these commands may be referred to as “cheats,” and a few of them do require that you enable a “cheat” setting for use. In Minecraft, how you employ console commands comes down to style of play.
Do you want to put in all the legwork all the time; often actual digital legwork as you move around from one place to another? Or would you rather focus on bigger things? Ultimately, the choice is yours.
10 best Minecraft console commands
1. Teleport from place to place
One of the most useful basic commands, teleport provides a quick way to master the huge scale of many Minecraft worlds. No more slogging back and forth between your major projects and collaborators because teleport helps you spend your time a bit more strategically.
The bigger and more ambitious your game becomes, the more likely you are to quickly find a great use for teleport.
Want to do more with the teleport command? You're in luck, because there are plenty of other ways to use it. In addition to moving yourself from one place to another, you can also customize your commands to move items and even other players around your map.
Click through the link above to find out more about the different ways you can use the teleport command.
2. Summoning objects and entities
Summon is another core Minecraft command that gets a lot of use, particularly as a companion to the teleport command. Teleport helps you get around without difficulty, and now you can use summon to instantaneously deliver the object of your desire to your location, whatever item, mob, or object you may need.
You can also specify location coordinates, allowing you to summon certain events and features wherever you want, even if it’s not to your location. For example, you can summon lightning where you need it. While game limitations put a cap on how often you can use this command, it’s a really useful function with a lot of potential.
3. How to change difficulty
You may not need to use this command every time you play, but it’s important when you do need it. Whether you’re getting bored and want to go harder, or you’re overwhelmed with your current settings and need a breather, one of our simplest Minecraft server commands can help get you relief.
Click through to the wiki above for some extra formatting information and notes. Essentially, this command is as easy as this; enter the root command, type in your desired difficulty level, and hit enter.
Your options are peaceful, easy, normal, and hard. For example, type in “/difficulty peaceful” if you want a more relaxed game experience.
4. Setting your world’s weather
In Minecraft, weather can be both a superficial feature and a critical game component. Sometimes it can be important to maintain access to certain features like water or sunlight, making the ability to customize your world’s weather potentially very useful.
Simply enter the root command and specify your preferred type and duration in seconds. Choose between clear, rain, and thunder, each with its own implications for Minecraft’s different biomes.
Have you read through the wiki entry for the command, but are still curious to learn more about how weather works in
Minecraft? You can also check out the helpful
Things You Didn't Know About Minecraft Weather video from
OMGcraft, a popular channel for
Minecraft tutorials. It’s a great guide to in-game weather with explanations for all the basics, plus more advanced information like how you can use the rain variable to make snow in certain biomes.
5. How to change game mode
In order to give players the ideal sandbox for their style, Minecraft employs four different primary game modes: survival, creative, adventure, and spectator (not including the hardcore setting, which players can’t typically toggle).
Each of these core modes emphasizes a particular aspect of gameplay and a different way to enjoy Minecraft. They’re also self-explanatory by name. For example, “creative” is designed to facilitate builders and clear out typical dangers, and “survival” places an emphasis on resource gathering and more conventional gameplay dynamics.
6. Locating the closest in-game structure
Whether you’re trying to find buried treasure or venture back to a familiar structure, the locate command is a great way to keep tabs on landmarks. Simply type in /locate and enter the structure type, and Minecraft should display coordinates.
Check the wiki entry for a detailed list of different structures you can find using the locate command, with links explaining more about each type. It’s not always a flexible command, but it can be a really useful way to properly navigate when you use the aforementioned teleport command. With an accurate coordinate-finder and the ability to teleport, you should be able to get around with ease.
7. Sending private messages to other players
There may be other ways to format Minecraft’s private message command, but this is the most recognizable root. By typing in /tell and properly formatting your message recipient and contents, you can get important notices to other players or any team members quickly.
The /tell function is simple, but it’s useful when you don’t already have an established way to communicate with another player. Check the wiki for other conditions and guidance on more complex uses with different target selectors.
8. Setting the time of day in your world
As long as you understand the basics of time and day/night cycles in Minecraft, the time command is a simple way to set the time of day in your game. Along with the weather management command, this is a handy workaround when you need access to sunlight or particular environmental conditions.
You can play around and set your time at random to get a feel for measuring the 1-second increments used in Minecraft, or you can consult the wiki for a few useful presets like sunrise and sunset. Beyond setting your preferred time of day, this is also a convenient way to rapidly advance time.
9. Counting entities in your world
The /testfor command has a few different applications, mainly as an overview tool for counting objects or entities at a given location. It’s also a good way to check for particular players or items of interest. Whether you’re keeping tabs on your fellow players or a horde of zombies, use this command to scope out a situation before you commit to bigger actions.
With this command, how you specify targets is important and impacts the type of information you can receive. Check out the complete wiki entry for info on how to check for individual players as well as how to count large groups at a particular set of coordinates.
10. Managing your team
Managing a large group of users in multiplayer can be hectic, but the team command series provides several different options for how to take care of things in Minecraft. From moving players to different teams to keeping tabs on the available teams, it all starts with this command.
You’ll find a complete list of command variables on the team command wiki above, with a guide to how each variable impacts gameplay. You can add and delete teams as well as assign and remove players. Simply use the list variable to check your info and go from there.
Just some of the ways to maximize your time in-game
As you can imagine by now, Minecraft commands are extremely useful tools and shortcuts. They can do just about everything from customizing primary elements like weather and difficulty to helping you manage in-game resources. Ready to keep building your stockpile of handy console commands? There are still plenty of other options to explore.
Where to search for other useful console commands
Remember that you can find a fairly complete list of available shortcuts at the
Minecraft command wiki. It’s a huge, up-to-date repository of many past and present console commands available in the game. Using the wiki is always a great way to stay updated and even learn new tricks as your skill level grows.
For example, adding more complex arguments and variables to your commands can help refine what you can achieve. There’s no better way to expand your repertoire and gain an extra edge in your game.
Other great games to explore
Minecraft is a massive title with a huge amount of content to explore, and it provides millions of players with a range of different hooks to keep them engaged. From mod support to an entire slate of spin-off games, like the popular Minecraft: Story Mode, what began as a niche title has grown into an entire franchise with a player population bigger than some countries.
If you want to add something new to your catalog, though, you should check out our list of
13 classic PC Games. HP Tech Takes contributor Tulie Finley-Moise offers thorough profiles on the features helping keep a lot of classic series and titles in regular rotation. You could stay busy for years trying to check everything off this list.
Options for younger players
Part of
Minecraft’s broad appeal is that it transcends most demographics, drawing in gamers of all ages while being a truly family-friendly option. Once you and your team have mastered the most useful
Minecraft commands, check out our list of the
best 12 computer games for kids to find more great options for young players.
You’ll find plenty of choices including age-appropriate logic-building games, popular simulators, and timeless classics that many players enjoy throughout their lives. Expect kid-friendly classics like Goosebumps and LEGO Star Wars, but also foundational titles like Sid Meier’s Civilization and even fresh indie favorites like retro side-scroller Cuphead.
Having experience with Minecraft commands and “cheats” can also help you make the most of console shortcuts for multiplayer in similar titles.
About the Author
Dwight Pavlovic is a contributing writer for HP® Tech Takes. Dwight is a music and technology writer based out of West Virginia.