Bringing the future into focus matters. HP Labs is defining tomorrow's technology.

Tomorrow's technology is being defined at HP Labs.

Once, the future of technology was imagined in the minds of science fiction writers and the people they inspire. Today, it's being created in high-tech hubs around the globe called HP Labs — where our researchers and scientists are doing their most progressive work.

Case in point: HP Labs China, where the idea of context-aware computing (applications that monitor and evaluate a user's activity) has evolved beyond mere coupons and smart search results. Engineers and researchers are exploring how to best enable systems to anticipate optimum operating capabilities based on user performance and actions.

"With the information explosion on the Web, within enterprises, and in network systems this will only get more important," says Min Wang, Director of HP Labs China. "In the future, asking how we can adapt application or system behaviors to the relevant contexts of users or systems will be the key to achieving user satisfaction and high system performance."

Technological innovations. For the future, it matters.

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